Financial Times On The Alice Waters Culinary School

Financial Times On The Alice Waters Culinary School

The Financial Times has an article about the many Chez Panisse alumni who have opened up their own Bay Area businesses. It doesn't add a lot of new material, but Melissa and I were pleased to see Mary Jo Thorensen, co-owner and pastry chef at our beloved Jojo, get a prominent mention.

- Doubletree Cookies
My sister-in-law Lori is a bundle of contradictions. She is super smart and yet at times naive, she is successful but lives modestly. Lori is the president and owner of a financial consulting firm that has advised more than 200 California public agencies...

- Bittersweet Cookbook
In Berkeley there are two famous Alices. One is Alice Waters, executive chef and owner of Chez Panisse, the great proponent of organic and sustainable food production and then there is Alice Medrich. Alice Medrich revolutionized the way way we think...

- Alice Waters And Chez Panisse
The food world divides into two camps about Alice Waters: those who see her as the patron saint of sustainable food and those who see her as an elitist hippie who gained fame by stealing the credit that others deserve. No one denies she's an icon. She...

- Upcoming Heritage Foods Dinner At Chez Panisse
For Bay Areans: Chez Panisse will be hosting a Heritage Foods dinner on September 21. Though Max has pointed out the irony of shipping food across the country to a restaurant that gives lip service to local ingredients, the equivalent meal in June was...

- Alice's Restaurant
This just got emailed to me from one of the local Slow Food convivium leaders. American Masters is the cultural biography series for PBS. For the first time in American Masters 17 year history, they will feature a chef. The film celebrates Alice Waters'...

