Filling Space

Filling Space

Until we get the camera situation worked out, I'm going to post these pictures we've had kicking around. You can't go wrong with kids and dogs, can you?

Hey, look! Blueberries!

New toy. He's building us a house, apparently.
Oh, and at 2 years, 4 months? Alex is 3' 2" tall. That's just two feet shorter than me...gulp. He's going to be a big boy.

He's actually happy in this picture. I simply asked him to not make his 'smile so big you get squinty eyes' pose.

Donegal, sleeping.

Wicklow, sleeping.

Donny, sleeping again.

This is what they do. Almost all day. And with temps reaching 98 degrees today? I can't say I blame them!

- Wdb: Fire-proof Pup, And Another Day At The Office
Back when I was still pregnant with Alex, Matt would sometimes bring home those little store-made trays of sushi for me. Wasn't exactly good sushi, but it was quick and easy to eat (I had very little appetite at the time). Once, the dogs made a bit...

- Wdb: Off-day
Nothing too special this time around; they're tired of the rain, and just want to hang out in the house. Donegal forgot the 'no sleeping on the couch without a slip cover' rule. Wicklow, as usual, not standing still for the camera And Doolin,...

- Wdb: Making Up For Lost Time
Poor dogs, they spent a week with the vet (nice enough accomodations, but that doesn't mean they were happy about it) while we were on 'vacation', so I I not only missed my pups, I missed last week's WDB! Well, then...lots of cute puppy...

- Wdb: Puppy See, Puppy Do
Hi, Mom! Hey; what's going on over there? What else; Donegal and Wicklow are sleeping. It's hot out there, you know. I'd better check this out. Looks like they're sleeping, Mom. Ok; now what? Why won't Doolin leave me alone?...

- Happy Birthday, Puppies!
Last week marked the third birthdays of Donegal and Wicklow. Three years old! We adopted both pups at the same time. They were even in side-by-side cages! I spotted Donegal, and knew I had to get her...she looked so much like my childhood dog, Buster....

