Fall Pancakes for the Fruit-Impaired

Fall Pancakes for the Fruit-Impaired

Although there have been some bizarre spikes in temperature (and I'd appreciate it if Mother Nature would make up her mind already...hot or cold? Pick one, already!), it is officially Autumn.

I very much want to incorporate fall flavors into my cooking and baking, but I face a serious obstacle: Matt doesn't like most of those flavors.

Pumpkin, cranberry, squash...he just won't eat them.

So when I wanted to serve my guys a fall-ish pancake last week, I had to get creative.

To a fairly standard pancake batter, I added a large handful of brown sugar and a rather healthy dose of cinnamon.

Matt's thoughts: "fairly sweet, slightly butterscotch flavor, with the cinnamon as more of a scent than a flavor. Goes *very* well with maple syrup."

And they didn't last long!

Blogging by Mail, the Holiday Edition, is going on now! Sign-ups will be open until 16 November.

Blog Party#16 is coming, and this month, we're turning our favorite take-out foods into cocktail party fare! Browse those take-out menus, and get your entries to me by Thursday, 16 November...early is always good...by leaving a link here in the comments, or firing off an email to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Tell a friend, and hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Breakfast + Pancakes + Cinnamon + Fall

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