Early Days

Early Days

As we made our way through Virginia, and then into West Virginia, I did a little happy dance. Well, as best I could, what with me seated and safety-belted into the car, and all.

We saw signs for Eat'n Park!

Found only in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, Eat'n Park is like a Denny's or a Friendly's...only better!

Breakfast foods (24 hours a day, the way God intended), burgers, sandwiches, salads, and of course, ice cream and desserts. Like any number of always-open, family-friendly, restaurants...but there's just something about Eat'n Park, something special.

Maybe it's because I associated post-Pirates game refueling with those hearty plates of scrambled eggs (or cheese omelettes, or waffles...) and hash browns.

Maybe it's knowing how community-oriented they tend to be.

The connection, in my mind, at least, to Pittsburgh, and how much I love that city.

Or perhaps it's just their 'world-famous' Smiley Cookies!

This is one of their special-edition fish-shaped Smiley's; the every-day cookies are round.

And while I know I can bake as good a cookie as anyone might care to eat, you just can't resist those Smiley faces, can you?!

It's here! The very last day to join this very special, one-year anniversary, Blog Party!!

Today is the last day to get those entries in, and don't forget: we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. This month, we're traveling to our favorite places by way of the kitchen, with bites and drinks from our favorite countries. Entries are due TODAY Thursday, 20 July--I'll be watching my mail--and I'll post the round-up Saturday, 22 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Eat'n Park + Restaurants + Dining + Cookies + Travel + Pennsylvania

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