Dining with the Bloggers - March 23rd.

Dining with the Bloggers - March 23rd.

I can't begin to fathom the amount of new food blogs popping up here and there and everywhere! It really is amazing and I'm very impressed with the love and care put into each and every one of them. Cheers to you and keep up the good work!

The Sugar High Friday this time around was hosted by Debbie and introduced me to an INSANE amount of food blogs I've never visited before. Not all of them entirely new, I know, I know - I'm just sooo slow! Anyways, one of the several that caught my eye was Lex Culinaria, written by a female lawyer "deported" from Melbourne to Edmonton. She makes fantastic food I tell ya, and has a handy index that I immediately ran through. (Sorry, but I couldn't find her name on the site - I'll just call her Lex - I hope that's okay?!) As if that isn't enough, she's got another blog too - and she's funny! Take a look at this one for instance!

And I found this wonderful sounding thingy, fitting perfectly with this weeks theme, rice. Vanilla Sour Cream Risotto with Blueberries and Syrup. And oh boy! Was it good or was it good!? It reminded me a bit of risengrød (rice porridge I guess it would be - sorta like this) that we traditionally eat around Christmas, only this is (obviously, look at the name of the dish!) laced with plenty of vanilla and blueberry syrup.

I managed to mess up the syrup - something with the water to sugar ratio looking weird to me, then a lot of bubbling, seizing, stirring. Anyways - it still worked. The sour cream in the risotto intrigued me - I sometimes use a couple of spoonfuls of lightly whipped cream in my savory risotto, making it just a tad lighter and fluffier. The sour cream does the same, and also adds a slight sourness that works really well against the vanilla - I suspect it would work nicely in a savory version too. And oh, I'm a sugar piggy, so I added a spoonful of vanilla-scented sugar to the risotto in the end. I might just try the leftovers cold with the warmed syrup on top.

Cathy's managed to take an early bite of spring this week...

- More Fear Of Frying
So here's another reason to hate frying. What a mess! To make delectably crispy and golden risotto cakes I had to dip sticky cold risotto in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in panko, a kind of Japanese crumb. Delicious? Sure. But what a bother!...

- Shf 6 – A Tale Of Two Puddings
It’s Sugar High Friday once again. This time it is hosted by Debbie of words to eat by and the theme is Stuck on You (Caramel). Up until today I had never caramelized sugar. It was one of those things I was sort of afraid to do. If nothing else, at...

- And One More...
Last one, promise! I always make a dessert for my in-law's on their special days; birthday, anniversaries, etc. I was already making a chocolate cake for Matt, so I wanted something a bit...lighter, for his dad. I searched through some on-line recipes,...

- Barbie, You Forgot Something!
She forgot her Rhubarb Compote with thick, fat Greek yoghurt and crumbled macaroons. Too bad for her, 'cause now there's none left!;-) The Greek yoghurt I bought at the local green grocer and the macaroons I bought in Irma. I'm not sure our...

- Shf # 5: Hundreds And Hundreds Of Layers - Puff Pastry, The 2nd Edition: Apple Galette
So I'm just like WAY ahead of ya'll! Like, I kinda did my entry last Friday, m'kay? Ahem. Or maybe I was just a dofuss and got the dates mixed up and everything, so I accidently posted my entry a week too early. And I could just have taken...

