Dining with the Bloggers - January 17th, 2007

Dining with the Bloggers - January 17th, 2007

You thought I was going to cheat, didn't you? Well, who would I be to blame you, it's happened before - but no, here we are!

This week, we're going to the countryside - to be precise, we're going to visit a fellow Scandinavian in, um - Italy. Makes no sense? Well, get Ilva to explain it to you - she's the writer and photographer of the stunningly beautiful Lucullian Delights. I keep bookmarking recipes from her site and I always, but always, drool on my keyboard - seriously, how do you make something as humble as an onion look this good??

A couple months ago, she made a little number called Plum and Oatmeal Cupcakes and as I found myself with an abundance of plums on the very same day she posted the recipe, I jumped straight at it. That is, I had to ask for help - there was a couple thing missing in the ingredients list, but luckily, Ilva must have been sitting at her computer at the very same time I put in my comment, 'cause she was swift with an answer and an update of the recipe. And just you be glad she was, because these are worth trying.

The cupcake/muffin takes on a marzipan-like consistency (I guess the oat flour is the guilty one here?) and the plum adds a little savory, fruity, soft note to it. Yummy! They're dead easy to make and really, there's no excuse not to. They even look adorable!

Now, what is my excuse for not trying out her Salad with Romanesco cabbage, quinoa, egg and capers - or the Fried rice balls with zucchini and a hot plum sauce - hmm, or how's about a slice of Quinoa Apple cake with cinnamon and coconut?

- Plum Cake Redux Recipe
I love the taste and texture of cooked plums. Plum jam is mouth-puckeringly delicious. Somehow when the plums cook, they concentrate and the richness, sweetness and tanginess all intensifies into something much more decadent than the raw version. Even...

- Plum Good Cake Recipe
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- Dining With The Bloggers - November 2nd
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- Dining With The Bloggers – March 9th
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- Dining With The Bloggers - November 9th.
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