Dining with the Bloggers – March 9th

Dining with the Bloggers – March 9th

I cheated a little on our theme this week. Zarah had proposed a theme of cupcakes and muffins – coincidentally the same as the upcoming IMBB hosted by Maki this month. I had not made either muffins or cupcakes from any blogger recipes in the past, so I paid visits to some of my favorite blogs on the lookout for tempting recipes. I found a muffin recipe that I wanted to try but was still hunting for a cupcake recipe (my original plan was to try one muffin recipe and one cupcake recipe), when I came across a gorgeous Chocolate Zucchini Cake at Simply Recipes. Not cupcakes, not muffins… cake.

I really wanted this cake, so I decided to turn it into cupcakes. I cut the quantities down to one third the original size (since there were three eggs in the cake, that seemed easiest) and made 6 large cupcakes. I overloaded the cups which caused the tops to run together – I should have made 7 or 8 rather than 6. I used the glaze recipe that accompanies the cake recipe, but made it a little thicker by adding additional sugar.

The cupcakes were wonderful – moist and chocolaty with nuts inside and sweet vanilla icing on top. It was all I could do to wait until after dinner to try one. Moments after the first I was biting into a second … so much for portion control! I highly recommend this recipe – I’m sure it’s really great as a full-sized cake too.

Zarah will have found another wonderful muffin or cupcake recipe for you to try also…I’m betting on cupcakes! :-)

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