Desperate Times

For the past...six?...years, I've had the strangest problem.
I have no desire to eat.
I mean, I love food. I love to learn about it, buy it (grocery shopping? fun time!), cook it, and serve it to others.
But me...I just don't know what's up. I just have no interest in
I keep trying new foods, trying new cooking methods.
But food...eating...for me is simply about nourishment, energy, and rarely about pleasure.
love food! And I haven't a clue as to what's going on.
You know when you open the refrigerator, looking for something to eat, and nothing looks good to you?
That's my every day.
Occasionally, something looks shiny and new. And I've
almost never gotten tired of sushi!
Poor Matt. I make dinner for him, and that's fine. It's an interesting dish/flavor/whatever, and he's happy.
But I'm not interested in what I make, or anything in my kitchen. He constantly tries to find something I'll eat.
During our Atlanta shopping trip, I saw packages of fresh wonton noodles. New to me, and I do like wontons (Cath, I promise I'll get that chip/dip recipe to you soon!). So, I brought them home.
And pretty much forgot about them.
Came across them in the refrigerator last week, and after some thought, came up with what sounded like an almost-appetizing dish.
Matt was happy to take over (he uses the wok much more often than I do), cooking ginger and garlic in the oil to flavor it, then a couple of 'faux', or soy-based, meats (Veat 'chicken' bites and these 'shrimp' we pick up at 99 Ranch), water chestnuts and the briefly-boiled wonton noodles (we're talking shoving the noodles in the general direction of the water), and adding in some soy sauce and sesame oil.
It was different...I'm so picky about noodles (seriously al dente)...but it was very very good.
I enjoyed it at the time, but now I'm back to 'good lord, what am I going to eat?'
Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vegetarian
Cold Salmon Noodle Salad
Following Matt's health scare a couple of weeks ago (it's ok; he's fine), there's been more of a focus on eating 'well'. For him, that's meant lots of salmon. In lots of ways. Tonight, salmon & noodles. Modified from this...
Wonton Noodles With Chicken & Thai Peanut Sauce
Oh hey...look! Another Asian noodle dish. What are the odds... This is a recipe that called for spaghetti (heck, it's in the name), but I have issues with thin pastas so we opted to use a wonton noodle instead. Turns out, it wouldn't have mattered....
This & That Fry
Ever since my visit to Georgia last summer, and the discovery ofwonton noodles, I've been able to eat many more Asian dishes. (See, I have this weird texture issue...hate squishy noodles...) Something I really like, and that Matt makes, is a sort...
Gung Hey Fat Choy!
Wishing a very happy new year to all my Chinese readers!! We don't have the frequent flyer miles to celebrate with you, so Matt and I prepared out own feast. Hot and Spicy Cucumbers Chunks of peeled and seeded cucumber stir fried with soy sauce,...
A Trip To The Ranch
99 Ranch Market, that is. One of our favorite places to shop while living in California was a fantastic store called 99 Ranch Market. What an amazing place! A full-sized market, but the spin was...all the products were Asian! Korean, Japanese, Chinese,...