Daring Bakers Challenge: The Eternal, Internal, Struggle

Daring Bakers Challenge: The Eternal, Internal, Struggle

I've come to the conclusion that my lateness in posting is due more to a psychological-induced resistance than my increasingly busy schedule (although that hasn't helped).

April's DB challenge was Frozen Cheesecake Pops.

That's a...problem.

See, there's very little in the world of sweets and baked goods that tempts me.

I can happily bake cookies, cakes, pies and rolls. Make candies and chocolates, and at best take a 'taste' to make sure it won't cause gastric issues.

But there's one thing, one heavenly, dastardly, come-hither item that gets me weak in the knees.

And that would be cheesecake.

I avoid cheesecake, as a rule. Because if it's around? I will eat it. Happily, gluttonously, consuming that cheesy goodness till it's gone. And were you around, you might just catch me scraping the platter for those last few bits...

I suppose I knew that when I made the cheesecake pops, I'd be faced with a rather large amount of finished product. And as I'm the only one in our home who eats cheesecake? Guess who would end up eating it all?

Putting it off as long as I could, intentionally or not, the end of the month suddenly showed up (not finding my calendar till about that time only made things worse). I decided to face this challenge...a literal challenge...head on.

So I made the cheesecake.

And oh, dear god. Was it good. No, no it wasn't good. It was delightful. I cursed the recipe and the challenge and everything associated with it, because it was GOOD. Had it been an 'eh' recipe, maybe I could have gotten through this. But no; it had to be fabulous.

So, I avoided the mess again. I put off the next step, which was scooping the cheesecake into balls, skewering them with sucker sticks, and freezing them till set.

But I eventually worked up the nerve to tackle this stage, as well. And with my deep freezer, I could leave them there for a few more days, while I worked up the nerve to finish them.

Unfortunately, I was left with 'excess' cheesecake. And I...confess. I faltered. I slipped. I gave in to temptation and darn it all: I ate it! A bowl-full here, or a few bites there.
And I tried really hard to feel guilty about it.

But finally, I buckled down and coated those pops with chocolate. And decided to pass them on to my in-laws. To rid myself of further temptation.

Of course, before I did that, I had to give them a taste-test, just to be sure they were OK...

Many, many Daring Bakers have tackled this challenge, hopefully with less drama. Be sure to visit them and 'Ooh' and 'Aah' over their finished products!

This month, Blog Party is having a Buffy Bash! The whole party devoted to everyone's favorite Slayer, with appetizers and drinks based on, or taken from, the show. So put on some season 3 DVD's and get those entries in before Thursday, the 15th. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Cake + Daring Bakers + Buttercream + Dorie Greenspan

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