Cuisine Cookbooks Sought

Cuisine Cookbooks Sought

My cookbook library is well-stocked, should I wish to make any Western European or American dishes. But I often find myself scratching my head while hunting down Chinese, Japanese, and Indian recipes, not to mention a host of other national cuisines.

I want to pick up some basic books for various cuisines, but I'm at a loss. Thankfully, I know of a whole host of food lovers who are passionate and well-informed: you. I'd like your recommendations. If you read my list of technique books, you can get a sense of the type of book I like: technique over dogmatic recipes, a book that treats me as a curious student and not an automaton.

Any cuisine is fair game, but I most often notice my library lacunae when I look for Asian (including Indian) dishes or Central and South American recipes.

- Interview With Margarita Carrillo Arronte, Author Of Mexico: The Cookbook
What we don’t know about Mexican cuisine could fill the pages of a massive book. And now it does. Margarita Carrillo Arronte, a chef, teacher, restaurateur, TV host and the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture's chef is the first Mexican author to have...

- I'm Dreaming Of Vietnamese Cuisine...
While the holidays are thoroughly captivating to many, I am filled with visions of Spring Rolls, not sugar plums, dancing through my head. The end of this month I will going to Vietnam and it will not be a whirlwind tour. I will be there for a whole...

- The Cook's Book: Cookbook Review
I am a cookbook addict. I am powerless over cookbook hoarding (is there a 12 step program for me?). I get review copies of cookbooks but that's never enough. I buy vintage cookbooks, used cookbooks, out-of-print cookbooks, you name it. I first read...

- The Cookbook Exchange
I'm a cookbook junkie and I'll bet many of you are too. Books are probably my number one impulse buy, and more often than not they're cookbooks. I love going through a new cookbook from cover to cover for the first time. Problem is, once...

- Good Books For Cooking Technique
Lenn asked me for recommendations for technique-oriented cookbooks. I gave him some ideas and decided to share the list. The following books have given me skills and knowledge that I use every day in the kitchen. I love European food, and these books...

