Cook's Country

Cook's Country

I checked my emai from my Croatian hotel (I love wireless connections, by the way), and I noticed this hilarious email that I had to share with you all, even from a galaxy far, far away (well, for me). Cook's Illustrated has a new sister publication, Cook's Country. Read their description and then see my note at the end.
We're cooking up a storm . . . to find the best ways to cook the foods you and your family love best. And we're "serving up" all the tasty secrets to you in a new kind of magazine called Cook's Country.

Cook's Country is not about fancy cooking or expensive restaurants or foods with names you can't pronounce. The recipes are honest country fare. Your free trial issue features recipes for Extra-Crunchy Fried Chicken, Cheesy Mashed Potatoes, Ice Cream Cupcakes, S'mores Brownies, and Country-Style Pot Roast (made in a slow cooker).

Each issue of Cook's Country also includes equipment round-ups, kitchen shortcuts, and recipe contests (with the winning reader recipes published in the magazine). In addition, the magazine welcomes interaction with readers and even includes a section where readers tell Cook's Country what?s cooking in their communities.

Okay, here's some food for thought: HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM COOK'S ILLUSTRATED? Sure there's this community feature, but everything but the last couple sentences could be a press release for Cook's Illustrated as well! (And does Cook's Illustrated not welcome interaction with readers? That's what I'd infer.) CI has never been shy about repackaging their recipes, as I've mentioned before, but this seems brazen even for them.

Anyway, I think I'll pass and keep my CI subscription.

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