Circa 1973

Circa 1973

Some years ago, I came into possession of some wonderfully funky recipe cards, courtesy of the good folks at Archie McPhee.

A pack of...oh, a dozen or so cards, in that tell-tale late sixties to mid-seventies photography (it's the color,'s the color!). Potato chips are used often, as well as some other questionable foods (Spam is not an ingredient I recommend).

But, they're just so...neat! I went about trying to get all fifteen sets in the series.

Somehow, I was left with just fourteen. Duplicates of many other numbers, but never that elusive fifteenth set.

So finally, this weekend, I sent an email off to McPhee, asking about the cards.

Monday I learned that they do not, in fact, have that final set! Drats!

So, if anyone out there happens to have the cards from set fifteen of The Complete Family Recipe Card Series Collection...let's talk, ok?

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