Chocolate Caramel Tartlet Cookies

Chocolate Caramel Tartlet Cookies

Why Trader Joe's? Why do you do this to me? You cruel tempter luring me to buy, buy, buy! What did I ever do to you? Just shop and spend money and line your pockets. But it wasn't enough. No. You have to entice me with your wretched new products kiosk.

And even when I have no interest in trying Chilean Hazelnuts or Dried Dragonfruit or Sweetened Hibiscus Flowers, or Hawaiian Black Sea Salt, you still tempt me. Go ahead, I hear you saying. Try it. Maybe you'll like it. Maybe you'll find one of these products on a regular shelf. Maybe you won't. You better try them now.

And I do try them now. Especially those items I would never buy otherwise. Like the seemingly innocent sounding "Chocolate Caramel Tartlet Cookies". You'd think I could pass those by. But no. All butter cookies filled with caramel and topped with milk chocolate. Made in Normandy. Are you kidding me? Like Oscar Wilde, I can resist everything but temptation.

Just eight little treats, for $2.49 and now I'm hooked. Hooked on this evil little cookie that is so decadent and sweet and buttery and trashy in a French sort of way. All I can say is, if you ever discontinue this cookie, I don't know what I will do. But it won't be pretty.


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