Carrot Salad Recipe

Carrot Salad Recipe

Carrot Salad
As I mentioned in my first Hunger Challenge post this past Sunday, carrots are a bargain. They are nutrient dense, much cheaper than salad greens and can be served so many different ways. Last year I missed eating salad during the Challenge. This year I was determined to try to come up with some kind of a budget-friendly salad and carrots came to the rescue. All my recipes last year were for one pot style meals. They are easy on the wallet but don't allow for much variety on the plate.

Remember those carrot and raisin salads you ate as a child? I really didn't want to make one of those. This has more of a tangy profile than a sweet one. It's inspired by a Moroccan version that I found in Claudia Roden's The New Book of Middle Eastern Food. I'm particularly pleased with how this recipe turned out. It goes well with sandwiches and as a side dish but can also be served as a snack. I can actually imagine making this beyond the Challenge.

Food isn't just a source of nourishment. Food provides comfort, adventure, and a means for sharing experiences. Day after day the Challenge reminds me not so much of being hungry, but of feeling deprived. I miss chocolate and tea and dessert and fresh fruit and salad and the sharing of a really good time around the dinner table.

Carrot Salad
Make 6 servings about 43¢ per serving


1 1/2 pounds carrots $1.47
Juice of 1 lemon 69¢
2 Tablespoons olive oil 36¢
1 garlic clove, minced 6¢
1 teaspoon ground cumin or to taste

Combine the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and cumin in a serving bowl. Slice the carrots into 1/8th inch thick disks. Toss the carrots with the dressing, season aggressively with salt and taste.

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