Butterscotch 'Scones'

Butterscotch 'Scones'

Some of you wanted to know how I fared with this cookbook; last week, I finally made something from it: Butterscotch Scones.

Yeah, I hear you. That doesn't look anything like a scone to me, either!

The book is old, the author...not a spring chicken, either. But I don't see how that allows for a jelly roll-type pastry to be called a scone...

Oh, well.

Oh-so simple to make, and Matt said they were perfect with his morning tea.

I'm still working through the book...most of the recipes will require more work than my formerly-ill self could manage. But, I'm 98.5% better, so I suppose it's time to start baking again!

- Scottish Oat Scones Recipe
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- Fruity Yogurt Scones Recipe
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- Mondays With Maida - Butterscotch Walnut Bars
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- What Does The Slayer Have To Do With A Food Blog?
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