Blogging for Babies: Bite-Sized Vanilla-Hazelnut French Toast, with Nutella

Blogging for Babies: Bite-Sized Vanilla-Hazelnut French Toast, with Nutella

I've discovered the problem: I keep missing deadlines because I can't find last year's calendar.

And without last year's calendar, I've been unable to update this year's. So, I do my best to remember what day it is (forget what date), and get by.

But that means post-by dates for events I'm told myself I'm going to join pass me by...

Like this one, Blogging for Babies, a creation of the wonderfully-named Phe/Mom/enon.

Formerly WalkAmerica, March for Babies, an event sponsored by the March of Dimes, is a way to raise funds for research and education, all in an effort to help & prevent premature births. With premature babies comes a lifetime of potential health and developmental risks and challenges. The March of Dimes has been there for years, helping all babies, but serving as a great resource for those born too early.

If you've spent any time at all here, you know I'm not one to say 'give money' or 'buy this'. I don't even accept advertising on Dispensing Happiness. But this is just one of those causes I feel strongly enough about to say 'hey, let's do something'.

Years ago, when I had a life (oh, my...that seems so very long ago), I would participate in the then-WalkAmerica as one of the local 'celebrities' in my hometown. I didn't have a child of my own then, and very few...if any...of my friends did. It wasn't personal, it just seemed like a darn good idea. Children and animals will always get my support, because they are the most defenseless.

So, PheMom is walking this year, and she's doing her best to raise some money for the cause. In her case, though, it is personal: her son was born premature last year. This cause, while something she'd supported in the past, holds an even deeper meaning for her. The March of Dimes was there for her, and she wants to make sure they continue to be a source of help to others.

PheMom had asked people to raise awareness by making something little. Well, here you go. My Vanilla-Hazelnut French Toast, served with Nutella, made from a baguette. If you make the effort, you might get two bites out of them. Easily consumed in one.

It's late (see above), so making something little really isn't necessary. But if you'd like to help out, please visit her sponsor page. We all appreciate your help & support...thank you!

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