Blog Party#40: The Holiday Edition, 2.0

Blog Party#40: The Holiday Edition, 2.0

We've flipped the page on the calendar (ours is a collection of Gil Elvgren pin-ups, if you were wonderfing), and the start of November brings about the realization that the HOLIDAY SEASON is coming!

Whatever it is you celebrate, wherever you are, holiday parties are coming. Who am I to buck the trend? (this time)

For our 40the Blog Party, and as promised as we entered our third year of BP-ing, we're revisiting a theme from that very first year: The Holiday Edition.

We tripped the bubble light fantastic for our fourth party, and it was all about glitz & glam & decadence. Indulgence. Dressing up in your holiday finest, sipping unbelievably fancy cocktails and tasting the most luxurious little bites.

With the start of yet another hectic holiday season upon us, we're going to make a promise to ourselves: we WILL set aside that one day to pamper & treat ourselves, to enjoy the company of friends, listen to great music and of course...enjoy all those wonderful holiday appetzers and drinks!

The rules remain the same: to attend the party, you must 'provide' a minimum of one drink AND one appetizer, fitting with the theme. Sorry, there really needs to be one of both!

Full Blog Party info can be found here; rules, such as they are, as well as the round-ups from past parties, so you have some idea what to expect.

You have until Thursday, 20 November to R.S.V.P.; with the party itself getting underway that Saturday, 22 November.

R.S.V.P. by sending your post's URL (that would the link) to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com.

Start booking those salon appointments, call the babysitter...because we're having a Holiday party!

Hope to see you there...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Holidays + Blogging

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