Blog Party#32: Pizza Party---The Round-Up

Blog Party#32: Pizza Party---The Round-Up

Welcome to another Blog Party! I hope you've come hungry, because we are pizza plentiful tonight!

We have a wonderful...and, and I know you're hungry. I promise we'll get to the food in just a minute.

But first, check out our pizza themed table!

I think these gorgeous tomato candles were absolutely perfect for the party, agreed?

And what could be better for serving up all those wonderful slices and mini pizzas than these pizza-shaped plates?

With all that sauce, we've got to have napkins! And these ones are perfect.

And there must be music. In rotation, there's Billy Joel's The Stranger. Why? Well, because 1. it's a darn good album and b. "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant".

And Humble Pie's Rock On

as well as Sing Song for Pizza Lovers by Lou Monte. it's time to meet your fellow pizza party-ers!

Our first guest is a true Blog Party fan: she started blogging because she wanted to join in! Say 'hello' to Silvermoon Dragon.
And I know you're going to enjoy her Mini Scroll Pizzas.
And though she's abstaining tonight (no worries, there's plenty of water, juice and tea and Torani around here!), she's brought plenty of Coke with Red Wine. Hey...why not? They're adding just about every flavor to cola these days.
Thank you so much, Silvermoon Dragon!

Harmony's next, and she's pulling double-duty on her lovely pizza wedges.
But you won't mind once you get a taste of her Utica Tomato Pie; yum!
It's been ages since I had rectangular pizza, so this is a real treat for me.
She's also serving some nice Cabernet, so get those glasses out!
So happy you could come, Harmony!

Cakelaw's back! And wow...she's out to tempt us tonight.
Because once you get a look at her Prosciutto, Potato and Goat Cheese Squares, you'll find it hard to resist them!
Heck, I don't eat meat and I'm drawn to them.
Paired with a nice Guinness, it's just perfect.
Thanks so much for coming, Cakelaw!

Next through the door is Kristina; be sure to give her a proper Blog Party welcome!
Kristina had no problem getting into the BP spirit, though; just check out her adorable Mini Brie Pizzas...Two Ways. The shallots, ok. Good stuff. But the pear and raspberry? Deeply interesting!
And I'm all over that Cherry Crush; I have a fondness for maraschino cherries that borders on obsession.
Fantastic, Kristina...thanks for being here tonight!

It's a happy day when Brilynn returns to Blog Party...yay!
Oh, me-o-my; another taunt aimed at the vegetarians, her Sausage & Bacon Pizza Pie (please don't ask me to figure out how to get the pi symbol on here), with home-made meats and smoked Gouda? Curse my non-meat eating ways!
Seriously, yum.
And her Boozy Kumquat on Quat-rocks is just fun to say...
So good to have you back, Brilynn!

Here comes LisaRene; welcome! You & the 'little bits'; this is a very puppy-friendly household.
LisaRene took this month's challenge to heart, playing with the 'normal' pizza base, and instead giving us some Mini Masa Pizzas. She's given us two versions, or rather, two different toppings, to choose from. There's black bean & fire-roasted tomato topped with Manchego & roasted red peppers and Mahon-topped Chimichurri Sauce. Now, that's creative!
(oh, if you're wondering, as I was, what 'Mahon' is, it's a cashew)
She's also brought the fixings for a pretty strong Peach Orange Margarita, which looks wonderful.
LisaRene, we're so glad you could come!

Lysy's back, with some perfectly finger-sized bites for us tonight...the name alone puts you in a good mood.
Do be sure to grab one of her Traffic Light Pizza Bites; slices of potato focaccia topped with slow-roasted tomatoes, and orange & green peppers. Brilliant!
But what I'm loving most is her Green for Go drinks!
Apparently, they're so good she can't remember how to make more, so grab while you can!
Wonderful as always, Lysy!

MK99's back, and you are going to be so happy she is.
Well, she's a peach of course, but when you get a look (or even better, a bite!) of her decidedly sweet take on the pizza, then the happy dance begins.
Wowsa... Dulce de Leche, Toffee, Pecans and Fudge-topped Peanut Butter Pizza?
(we can all do crunches tomorrow...tonight we stuff our faces; repeat as necessary)
Served with milk, of course... rock. My teeth ache already, and I haven't even tried a slice! Most awesome, thanks for coming!

Everybody say 'hi' to Kittie; she's going to fit right in here.
I have to say I'm most intrigued by her contribution to tonight's party, and I swear I could almost feel the heat from the sand as I read about her trip Morocco, which served as inspiration for her pizza.
And that would be the intriguing Berber Pizza; who knew?
What a wonderful addition to the table!
And I love that she's serving it with orange juice; sometimes the simplest things bring the most pleasure.
Thanks so much for coming, Kittie!

I was pretty darn happy to get EJM's RSVP; we first 'met' while waxing poetic about the joys of eggs and toast for the now-defunct EoMEoTE...EJM, it's been awhile, good to see you again!
Tonight, she's brought a gorgeous (and we'll pretend) almost-good-for-you Spinach Pizza with 'the works'; check out the emerald-ness!
With some heart-healthy Pomegranate Juice to go with, this is a most excellent contribution.
Thanks so much, EJM...and it really is good to hear from you!

Gabi's here...welcome!
And no need to look within for a feast, Gabi's perfect little scrolls will keep you satisfied. Take a look at her tongue-twistingly good Pizza Pesto Parmesan Prosciutto Scrols (whew).
Pretty much everything Matt loves in one bite, so we'd best keep him away till everyone else has had a chance to try them!
And a Root Beer Float to accompany? Perfection, indeed.
Just fabulous, Gabi...thanks so much!

Say 'hello' to another new face, Annarasa!
She's clearly my kind of gal, what with all the pizza-related trivia...we're big on knowing basically useless information in our house.
And hooray! A pizza I can eat! Because Annarasa has made the aptly-named Dreamy Vegetarian Pizza...tomatoes, onions, peppers and olives. Pure and simple. Love it.
Glad you could join us tonight, Annarasa...I'll be grabbing a slice soon!

Last one in, it's SweetDesigns...good to see you!
This is her first time, but no worries. Your Taco Pizza is not only exactly right, I know it's going to disappear quickly. Pizza and tacos in one bite? Brilliant.
She's serving up some nice cold beer, which only seems right. Tell hubby he owes you a fancy drink, though...
Thanks so much for coming, SweetDesigns...I hope you enjoy the party!

I made a little something, too...a couple mini pizzas with playful flavors.

First, my favorite, the vegetarian-friendly Paneer Pizza Masala.

Creamy spiced tomato sauce, slices of paneer.

And something for the meat-eaters: Beef & Blue Cheese Bechemel Pizza

A bechemel sauce, infused with Gorgonzola dolce, topped with rare steak.

And pop and pizza, a childhood favorite. All 'growed up' here: Cinnamon Syrup Spiked Coke

Torani syrup, slightly flat Coke. But nice & spicy.

Wow...once again, you guys knock my striped socks off. So many fabulous ways to enjoy pizza!

A huge thanks to everyone; you're what makes Blog Party so much fun, you know.

I'll be sending out April's theme soon, but probably not till Monday. I have Easter baskets to hide on Sunday!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Pizza+ Blogging

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