Blog Party#29: Another Bite of Dessert---The Round-Up

Blog Party#29: Another Bite of Dessert---The Round-Up

Welcome to a fabulous Blog Party! We have a very nice crowd tonight, and with all those fantastic little desserts, I may just be sending some of them home in sugar coma!

I was really excited about this party, so I made sure everything was perfect. It's the holidays...whatever you celebrate...and with all those sweets, holiday music seemed the perfect choice.

Few voices compare to the lovely Ella Fiztgerald, and her
Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas is not to be missed.

An album that always gets me in the holiday spirit, no matter how stressed or cranky I may get, is Rhino's Swingin Christmas. With Tex Beneke, Les Brown, Louis Armstrong and more, it's bound to put you in a festive mood.

And no matter what or how you celebrate, you can't escape the sugary sweetness of one of my all-time favorite films (and Christmas eve tradition), White Christmas. The tunes are fun, and evoke a simpler time. And who doesn't tear up when they hear the title song?

So, the perfect music is playing. Now, to set the perfect table.

I miss snow. Yes, it's cold. It can be messy. I grew up in the North, so I know cold and snow. But still, this time of year, I wish for just a little snowfall.

Instead? We got the neighbors mowing the yard, with weather in the mid-fifties.

Fine. I can't have snow outside? I'll just bring it in, with this mica snow!

Sprinkled over the tables and mantles, it's like a wonderland in here. And won't leave water marks!

And speaking of tables, ours is covered in this gorgeous burgundy tablecloth; it's shiny!

And I think these plates...even though they're disposable!...will be strong enough to hold all those desserts tonight, don't you?

With all those lovely desserts, there's a certain amount of drinking. And what better to serve those potent cocktails in than candy cane glasses?? How cute are they?

In case you spill that drink, I've stocked up on these Noel-emblazoned napkins; perfect, don't you think?

Now that both the mood & the table have been set, it's time to meet our guests. And tonight, we have a wonderful crowd. It's the biggest group Blog Party has seen in months! I knew the lure of desserts was too great to pass up...

First, we have Andreea, one of several newcomers to Blog Party. Welcome! For her first time, Andreea looked to Nigella and her recent speedy ways to provide us with some delicious-looking fudge! Adding those pistachios pretty much guaranteed I'll eat more than I should.
Keeping it simple on the beverage, Andreea's serving up hot coffee. In case tonight's offerings aren't sweet enough, I've got a bowl of sugar cubes for you!
So glad you could be here tonight, Andreea, and I'm first in line for that fudge!

Next through the door is Ann, another BP first-timer. Hello, and welcome!
It may be her very first party, but she came ready to 'wow' us with her Apple Cambozola Mini Pies! Wow, indeed.
These little beauties are sure to go fast, so get 'em while you can. Pair it with some wine, and I think we've hit perfection.
Ann, I think some of your mom's goddess-ness has rubbed off on you! Thanks for coming tonight.

Another newbie, be sure to give Dhanggit a proper Blog Party welcome!
So glad you could make it tonight. And I know your non-wintery Tropical Sweet Miniatures are going to go over like gangbusters (side note: where did that saying come from??).
Tropical fruits floating on a mango custard? In a buttery crust? Yum. And almost enough to fool us into thinking we're eating something healthy!
For her cocktail, Dhanggit's prepared a Red Pomegranate Lassi, and I know I can't wait to try it.
Thank you so much for coming, Dhanggit!

Making a return to Blog Party, Lizanne took some serious inspiration from the divine Paula Deen (I saw that episode just the other day, btw) and her Iron Chef appearance. I love, love, love the Cheesy Fudge Cranberry Tarts! How fun!
But it's those Peppermint Profiteroles that have me waiting in line. Just heavenly!
To clear some of the sugar from your mouth, Lizanne's got Brandy Toddies for the asking, too.
My dear, you rock. Seriously. And I was so happy to see Paula & Cat win!

My dear friend Cakelaw's back!
And tonight she's got some adorable and caffeinated Cappucino Cupcakes to go around. Donna Hay rules.
Keeping the caffeine flowing, Cakelaw also has some Short Black Coffees, and trust me: there's no shortage of 'grown-up' add-ins with this crowd!
So very happy to have you back!

Another newcomer, everyone say 'hello' to Sarah!
And lucky us. Or me, anyway. Sarah's come bringing a sweet I so rarely see these days, Buckeyes. Wonderful little peanut butter & chocolate confections, a combination I can't get enough of!
And the goodies don't stop there, as Sarah's made a lovely Brandy Milk Punch for the group, too.
It's all fabulous, Sarah; thanks so much for coming tonight!

Another new face, be sure to give a warm welcome to the lovely Syrie!
And I'm going just crazy for her perfect & Bite-Sized Banoffis. Tiny toffee tarts! So cute, and so yummy.
Thank you so much for joining the party, Syrie! And I hope we'll see you back again next month.

And yet another first-timer, in Susan! Welcome!
She's doing her best to provide your coffee fix, with her adorable Cappucino Canapes. Coffee in your dessert, coffee in your beverage! Sure, why not? Susan's got some wicked (and wickedly named) Pure as the Driven Snow White Russians for the group. You may get a buzz, but I promise we'll keep an eye on you!
Just perfect, Susan; happy you could be here!

Each party brings new faces, and I'm happy to welcome Suganya to this month's festivities!
She's doing her best to feed your chocolate cravings with her gorgeous Chocolate Creme Pots with Truffles. Lots of chocolate, different textures. And all beautiful.
Amazing, Suganya; thanks for coming!

Still more new faces; this time, we give a warm BP greeting to Michelle!
I have to start by mentioning her 'cocktail' offering, an Apple & Cinnamon Infusion. I can't wait to try this, and I know I'll be making some after the party, as well.
But Michelle's not satisified; she had to tempt me with another flavor combination favorite, this time in her White & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chunks. It's like she knows me, or something!
Michelle, you're always welcome at Blog Party. But if you happen to bring another container of that chocolate, we may not let you leave!

You want to know the sign of a good friend? When, even though sick as can be, your pal feels she just has to attend your party; it can't be missed.
At least, that's what J thought. After missing last month due to work, travel and illness, she climbed out of bed long enough to be here with us tonight (I'm assured she's not contagious!). We love ya, J, we surely do.
Despite suffering from a cough that won't quit (I feel your pain, J), and the Great Bathroom Flood of '07, she managed to round up some chocolate treats for us: Melting Middle Puddings & Mini Yule Logs (how timely). Not to miss a chance for more chocolate, J even brought along the Chocolate Martini!
You're a sweetheart, J. Now, gather up a few treats for yourself, and get thee back to bed! We can't have you sick for the holidays.
Seriously, get well soon.

Just in case you haven't eaten yourself sick with all those sweets, I have two more for you.

Simple, but elegant. And not too heavy on the stomach!

First, what I'm calling "Brrrr Cups". Small dessert cups, made from Belgian chocolate, filled with scoops of heavily-frozen peppermint ice cream (which, itself, is made with bits of peppermint candy), topped with cute little tree sprinkles.

Easily eaten in two bites, if you can stand the cold!

Next, one of the most elegant desserts, period. The chocolate-covered strawberry.

Gorgeous and red, long-stemmed berries coated in a milk chocolate. 'Nuff said.

To drink, a hot mug of hot chocolate. That's supposed to be snowflake sprinkles floating on top, but they sank.

Well, I don't know about you, but I see pilates and various forms of aerobic exercise in my future!

This has been such a wonderful party...a heart-felt thank you to everyone who made the time to be here tonight. You're all rock stars, in my book. Or the culinary equivalents, at least.

Be sure to grab a few sweets for the road, and drive home safely. Once you come to Blog Party, you're a friend for life, you know.

Enjoy your holidays, and I look forward to seeing you all back here next month!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Dessert+ Blogging

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