Blog Party#26: It's What's Inside---The Round-Up

Blog Party#26: It's What's Inside---The Round-Up

Welcome to another Blog Party! This month, it's all about What's Inside...and it looks like you came up with so many clever ways to hide one food inside another; I'm impressed!

As always, I like to set the mood (and the table) for the party, so let's get to that first.

Tonight, the music's a bit all over the place: I always back myself into corners with my own themes!

First, we have some early Kate Bush with The Kick Inside.

Next, we get our groove on with Outside Inside, from String Cheese Incident. You're going to love these guys!

And finally, a somewhat newer album from a band I've liked for years; Poco & From the Inside.

I didn't fare much better with the table settings, so I decided to just have fun.

It's mostly girls this month, so no harm decorating girly, right? Everyone gets candy lipstick; get it? Lipstick tube? Candy...inside?

Keeping the sweet theme going, please help yourself to one of my favorite chocolate treats of all time: Gardner's Candies Meltaways. Fabulous chocolate candies covering fillings of peanut butter, caramel, raspberry, and more. I grew up with these things.

And though I'm not sure we have any actual use for them, I couldn't resist these cute soup bowls; they look like pumpkins and squash, but there's something else inside!

And now, on to our guests!

Super-early, the always adorable Brilynn comes bearing a platter of her blog's namesake; Jumbo Empanadas perfect! These beef-stuffed darlings won't last the night, that's for sure. Brilynn, I'm so happy you're here, and that you made these wonderful empanadas tonight!

Next, Tigerfish makes a return to Blog Party...good to see you!
I love discovering what dishes you guys like to make, and even though I'm a vegetarian, I'm going nuts for these Deep-Fried Seafood Wontons! White fish & prawns, vegetables and one of my favorite flavors...sesame oil, stuffed into wontons and fried. Yum!
And Tigerfish hasn't forgotten a drink; some refreshing Carrot Juice to almost make up for the fried food.
Good to have you back, Tigerfish!

Next, we have Virtual Chef, bringing us some much-needed well as a male presence! Always good to see the guys here at Blog Party.
And for his contribution, this BP first-timer blows us all away with his gorgeous and decadent Honey Cake in Chest of Milk Chocolate . Wow...amazing. Cake hiding under a coat of's perfect!
So glad you decided to join us this month, enjoy the party!

Another Blog Party newbie, say 'hello' to Pam!
And I know you're going to love her Caprese My Way (that's her way, not mine); basil leaves & tiny tomatoes hidden inside mozzarella...which she made herself!
How beautiful! And darn it all, if it isn't fairly good for you, too.
Excellent, Pam...thanks for coming!

Sara's back, and she's brought a trio of treats for us tonight...and every one of them has something to hide!
She's got some lovely Melon & Prosciutto Bites, some Ham & Cheese Wraps, as well as Stuffed Mini Potato Skins. It all looks so good!
But Sara's not done yet; what's inside that lemonade? Why, Fruit and Mint Ice Cubes, that's what!
Love it, Sara. You're definitely a gal after my own heart...always happy to have you here!

J's back, and to her great surprise...she's not the last one through the door! J also prepared a trio of hidden gems, starting with Mini Beef Wellingtons (great minds, and all that, J...see below!). They look great, and there's nothing wrong with Seventies food photography!
Next, J has these beautiful Scrambled Eggs in Smoked Salmon bites...Matt's already making his way toward them!
And finally, I know these Oozy Cheesy Meatballs will go over in a big way, and I love that they're served in spoons!
For tonight's 'cocktail', J has the simple but elegant Raspberry Cubes in Seven-Up for everyone.
Perfect, as always! Thanks so much for being here tonight, J.

Be sure to give a Blog Party welcome to Judith, who's attending her very first party!
I'm especially excited, as we don't get a lot of vegetarians...or vegetarian For that reason alone, I'm quite happy with Judith's Ricotta & Tomato-Stuffed Mushrooms. Gorgeous!
And for the 'drink', she's decided a Root Beer Float is the way to go. I doubt you'll get many arguments here, Judith!
We're so glad you could come!

Rounding out the guest list, say 'hi' to Gabi!
No empty-handed guest is Gabi, though, and you're going to go wild for Croque Monsieur Gougeres...oh, my. Some of my favorite flavors, in one dish!
But what really got me was her unbelievably adorable Roly Poly Orange Juice Punch; an orange rolled to release the juices, poked open, topped with pomegranate juice, and served with a straw! I love it!
Thanks so much for coming, Gabi!

Hang on!

We have one more, and very late (although with good reason), guest!

Jeanne has returned!! So happy you could make it, even if did take all night to get here!
And I know you're going to love her Cheese Olives; just don't mistake them for cookies, ok? These bites are definitely savory.
Jeanne's matched them with Dry Martinis with Olives; seems perfect to me.
Extremely happy you could come, Jeanne!

As for me, I have a trio of treats & drinks.

First, Beef Dangan (a minor title given to the Duke of Wellington's youngest brother). It's basically a fully-dressed burger, inside a roll. Cheese, ketchup & mustard on top a tiny hamburger (already grilled), then wrapped in (store-bought: shhh! don't tell) crescent roll dough, and baked. They worked. They were fun, and filling. And the topping possibilities are endless!

To go with, I created the Watermelon Sparkler, watermelon Torani syrup mixed with sparling water, and poured into a red-sugar-rimmed and Pop Rocks filled glass. The instant the liquids hit the candy, fizzing and popping begin. And it's so much fun to drink!

Next, Ginger-Tofu Wontons. Frozen and crumbled tofu is cooked with fresh ginger & garlic, green onions, then flavored even more with sesame oil & soy sauce, and wrapped up in wonton skins. They're then folded and fried, till golden. Serve with a dipping sauce of your choosing.

For this, I'm serving small mugs of vegetarian miso soup (made with konbu, dried mushrooms & red miso), topped with small pieces of nori.

And finally, dessert!

Chocolate-Mint Ravioli Cookies; a light dough, rolled thin, cut into (approximately) one-inch squares, then topped with mint-chocolate pieces (I used Andes Candies bits), topped with another square, sealed, and baked till golden. They're then drizzled with semi-sweet chocolate.
They're really good, and you can pop them into your mouth and eat them in one bite.

For this, I offer the Schoolgirl Sour; small & chewy sour balls are placed in the bottom of a glass, topped with raspberry puree, and finished off with sparkling juice (for this, I used ligonberry & apple). Tart, and a good way to cut the sweetness of the cookies.

Ok,that's another successful Blog Party! You all did an amazing job coming up with filled and stuffed and hidden food gems.

Enjoy the rest of the evening, getting to know the other party guests and sampling the food. For tonight's party-goers, I'll be sending off an email tomorrow, letting you know what October's theme will be. For everyone else, check back 1 October to see what's next!

And don't forget I'm hosting this month's Leftover Tuesdays; entries are due Tuesday of next week!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogging

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