Blog Party#22: Blogger's Choice, the Round-Up

Blog Party#22: Blogger's Choice, the Round-Up

Welcome to the second anniversary of Blog Party!! Can you believe we've been meeting one Saturday a month for the past two years? That's a lot of cocktails!

Tonight, it's all about the stuff we love. Our favorite appetizers, our most-loved drinks, and of course, our favorite people! And lucky for you, some of my favorite people came to the party, so it's sure to be a good one.

First, we have to have music. And my choice? Ultra-Lounge, of course! There's truly no better source for the perfect cocktail party soundtrack. Tonight, we're treated to Wild Cool & Swingin' 2

the appropriately-titled Bottoms Up

and Wild Cool & Swingin': Louis Prima & Keely Smith.

And what's a Blog Party without a few neat gadgets or serving ideas?

I really like the sleek and slender look of these glasses, don't you?

If you prefer 'on the rocks' to a fancy, fruity, drink, you're going to love these sturdy-looking glasses.

J, I couldn't help but think of you when I saw these fabulous appetizer spoons! Very cool, indeed.

And I love this platter & serving dish set! So much color, and so fun.

And hey; this is a special occasion, right? So, enjoy these chocolate champagne glasses! I'm almost afraid to eat it, it's so pretty!

Ok, music's on and the table is loaded with food, so let's see who's here, and what they brought!

First through the door is Cakelaw...welcome! This is your first Blog Party, yes? Well, you picked a good time to join us!
And you're going to find yourself quite popular once everyone gets a look at those gorgeous little Baby Lemon Meringue Pies, trust me. So cute! And very bite-sized.
And I am intrigued by your Rose Spritzer; can't wait to try one.
I'm so glad you could come tonight...enjoy the rest of the party!

Say hello to Eva! She's flown all the way from Switzerland, carrying seafood, so make room at the table! Yes, I said seafood, as Eva's brought one of the more exotic dishes tonight, Spicy Stuffed Squids...I'm a sucker for alliteration. Ha! Sucker. Some stop me before I pun again...
Eva then switched gears, with these gorgeous Minty Watermelon Refreshers. Perfect for such a warm evening.
Happy you could make it, Eva!

Proving that 'better late than never' couldn't be more true, Gabi's here with a hold-over from last month's party...and I couldn't be happier!
See...she appealed to my inner Trekkie with her super Sci-Fi treats. I am loving her Tribble Nibbles, and you're right Gabi; they will disappear rather than multiply!
Keeping with the Star Trek theme (and god love her for that), you have to taste her The Dribbles with Nibbles also known as a Pomegranate “Martian-tini”: Brilliant!
Glad you finally made it, Gabi...

Be sure to give a warm Blog Party welcome to Smita...this is her first visit!
And while it may be her first Blog Party, she has very quickly found her way to my heart...with her Red Bell Pepper Hummus...I am such a hummus fan! And red pepper? Actually my favorite version.
I have to agree with Smita, too...Sangria seems like the perfect drink for the hummus. So good to have you here tonight!

Sara's back! Always good to see you. And I just know your BBQ-inspired dishes are going to go over in a big way tonight. Mini Burgers are just the cutest things, aren't they? Not to mention tasty.
And I love your idea to serve Bean Bites on spoons! Perfect.
Believe me, no one will complain about recycling beverages once they get a taste of your Pineapple Juice & 7-Up mix!
Wonderful, as always, Sara!

J and her crockery have become staples here at Blog Party, and she didn't let us down tonight!
Taking the 'Blogger's Choice' theme to heart, J decided on a white-out for our party...varying shades of pale, in a full-course, bite-sized, meal!
There's her Pizza Bianco, Skewered Scallops & Spoonfuls of Fish Pie, there's Roasted Chicken, Creamy Leeks, and of course, dessert! J's made Vanilla Risotto which contrasts nicely with the White Chocolate Ice Cream. Whew.
To wash it all down? What could be better than a (fancy) glass of milk? Not much!
Fabulous job, as always, J...thanks for coming!

Sorry about that crash...but I think I saw a ghost! No? I'm not seeing things? Well, I'll be...look who's here! Cooksister!!!! I'm shocked, and stunned...but ultimately, very happy. Welcome, Jeanne!
It's been some time since my dear friend has made the long journey here for Blog Party, but I know you'll be as pleased as I when you sample her fantastic-looking Broad Bean Crostini. Yum. I never thought to do that! Of course, finding fresh broad beans here is a bit like locating an honest politician...rare.
And I'm already in line to try that Kir Royale...yum.
Seriously, Jeanne...thank you so much for being here tonight; it means a lot!

Thank your local tech geek, because without their help, Sarina might not have been able to make it here tonight! We're all very happy you're here, though, and Matt's already heading over to the table for one of your Scallion Pancakes! They look gorgeous.
And I can't wait to try the Sparkling Green Tea...yum. We always have sparkling water on hand, just in case we need to make more.
So glad you could come

I have a trio of treats, and a couple of beverages, for you, as well.

First, a Chipotle & Smoked Potato Salad. Potato wedges are smoked on the grill, over wood chips, diced and mixed with hard boiled egg, celery, and mayonnaise with chipotle powder. A nice smoke flavor. Very smooth, very creamy, comforting...then BAM! Spicy. But oh-so tasty.

Next, something I made some time ago for EoMEoTE (Jeanne, it's been on mind for a while...any chance of bringing it back?); Tamago Toast Nigiri.
Slices of tamago, on toasted bread squares, drizzled with a mixture of soy sauce and wasabi (to your own taste), draped with pickled ginger and 'dotted' with wasabi. Very yummy.

A dessert appetizer: French toast bites. Sure, why not? Baguette slices, soaked overnight in a mix of two beaten eggs, a couple tablespoons of milk (most of these are estimates), a teaspoon of vanilla, a dash of salt...and a half cup of maple syrup. Cooked in a cooking-sprayed frying pan, the result is a slightly sweet, maple-infused, and not sticky treat. Dust with powdered sugar, fruit or topping of your choosing.

To drink, a couple of 'virgin' beverages, no surprise. a Lemontini & a Raspberry Cosmopolitan. Fairly self-explanatory, as much as drinks can't really talk (unless you've had too many of them...).

Ok...we've finished with the introductions and food explanations: time to get on to the 'business' of eating & chatting!

A huge thank you to everyone who came's been a fun two years. I hope you enjoy Blog Party as much as I do!
And if you're wondering, I have decided to continue Blog Party, with next month starting our third year. I'll email the theme to all of tonight's guests, and of course will post full details 1 August.

Thanks again for, let's party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Blogging

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