Blog Party #17 Lights, Camera, Action! Round-Up

Blog Party #17 Lights, Camera, Action! Round-Up

Welcome! Come right in...can I offer you a glass of something bubbly?

And don't forget to smile...the paparazzi are here!

So sorry it's taken this long to get to you, but I've been having such a fabulous time!

( reality, I was sick, then swamped with Christmas prep. This is fantasy. Let it go...)

Small crowd tonight, but you know Hollywood...someone's always making that 'grand' entrance! But better to be mingling with the stars here, then stuck at home, watching the coverage on E! I don't need Joan Rivers to tell me how I look...I have a mirror, thanks.

But we're clearly going with the movie theme tonight; look at all those film reels decorating the tables!

And I love these adorable little 'Admit One' chocolate tickets!

Although I expected better than paperware from these guys. I mean, it's a Hollywood party!
Still, tying in the Walk of Fame? Nice touch.

Oh, how perfect! They've even stocked the Ladies' Room with this: Diva Soap!!

Keeping things star-centric, notice the music tonight? Why, it's one Hollywood movie theme after another, with The Essential Hollywood!

But now it's time to meet our 'stars', the elite of the foodblogging world.

Sara, dah-ling, it was so good of you to come!

And while I won't divulge the identity of that handsome fellow she's chatting with, I can tell you our star enjoyed the Goat Cheese and Honey Tartlets, as well as the charming Tuxedo Cookies. I know I've always been a sucker for anything in a tux!
VF, soooo happy you could be here!

Never one to pass on the sweets, our jet-setter helped herself to the appropriately-named Katherine Hepburn Brownies; how divine!
And since you can't call it a cocktail party without the spirits, our girl ordered a deliciously green Apple Martini!
It's so nice to see you again, and have a wonderful flight!

Tonight, she can be found enjoying the wonderfully classic Buckwheat Blini with Smoked Salmon and Sour Cream , as well as enjoying the very posh-sounding Bombshell Parisienne. Be sure to share some of that with Helen!
Wonderful to have you here, my dear!

Our girls wastes no time, and gets right to the good stuff: dessert in a glass.
It may be new, but once the tabs get hold of this, everybody is going to be drinking a Bailey's Tobaggan!
Atta girl; show those bobble-head actresses that real women do consume calories! Especially when they're so tasty...
Happy you could be here tonight!

Sarina's adding a bit of spice to the party; check out those Aloo Tiki Bites!
And it looks like she'll be furthering the new drink craze with Sarina's Sparkling Ginger-Lime Shandy.
Darling, you were just what this party needed!

Jeanne's just stopping by, but couldn't resist getting a bit snarky when the subject of a certain popster came up. But after you take a look at these Britney Spears, you'll find yourself doing the same!
Don't fault her for the glass of Alize; it's very trendy!
You already know how thrilled I am you could make it!

I've almost been too busy, running around and chatting, to eat, but I did manage to grab a couple of these Baby Potato Vessels: Three Ways

And Matt's helped himself to the Smoked Salmon, Roasted Red Onion and Cambazola Pizzettes

as well as the Cassoulet Pizzettes

And of course, these Panko-Encrusted (Vegetarian) Prawn Cocktail Cups are quite tasty.

And to drink? Why, the two of us are sharing this enormous Blood Orange Choco-tini!

Well, ladies, it's been a fantastic evening, but some of us have to catch planes, and there is a rather lot to do before the holidays. I thank you all for coming...and you look marvelous! That thing you did with your hair? I love it.

I want to wish each and every one of you a most joyous Christmas/Hanukkah/Whatever you celebrate, and I look forward to many more parties in 2007.

And on that note, an announcement: starting tonight, all Blog Party guests will learn the next party's theme the night of the round-up. What that means: every time you join Blog Party, you'll get a head's up from me, the night of that party, about the next month's theme. watching your inbox!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Hollywood + Glamour + Movies + Blogging

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