Biography of a starter (day 4)

Biography of a starter (day 4)

I replenished my starter on Day 4, as per Nancy Silverton's instructions. Basically I just added some more flour and water, and stirred it all in. My starter has a definite aroma, one that smells a little funky. But Silverton implies that this is normal, so I don't feel any need to worry yet. I don't have any mold (which she says sometimes happens), so I guess that's good. I'm still carefully keeping an eye on the ambient temperature in our apartment; there are definitely pockets of air that are warmer than others.

- Nancy Silverton Speaks
Those who have been following my starter saga will know that I was using Nancy Silverton's Breads from the La Brea Bakery as my guide. While shopping one day, Melissa noticed that she was going to be speaking at a local bookstore, pushing her new...

- The Biography Of A Starter: The Proof Is In The Pudding
With my starter now alive and well, I've gone ahead and made two loaves of bread with it on two different days. It is clearly sourdough bread, though the characteristic flavor is more subtle in mine than I'm used to. If memory serves, however,...

- Biography Of A Starter (day 10)
Today began my starter's regular feeding. Nancy Silverton's "recipe" in Breads from the La Brea Bakery really wants you to be feeding the thing thrice daily. While not a problem for me to do at the moment, I've adjusted things and put...

- Biography Of A Starter (day 2)
My starter is coming along, I guess. It's hard to tell what the little microorganisms are doing. There's a thin layer of a yellowish liquid on the surface, which I remember from my other starter; if memory serves it's alcohol, but whichever...

- Biography Of A Starter (day 1)
For the first time, I'm making a sourdough starter. I had one from a breadbaking class I took (handed down by our instructor), but I think I killed it. So I'm trying again, figuring that if I make one on my own, I'll be more inclined to...

