Biography of a starter (day 2)

Biography of a starter (day 2)

My starter is coming along, I guess. It's hard to tell what the little microorganisms are doing. There's a thin layer of a yellowish liquid on the surface, which I remember from my other starter; if memory serves it's alcohol, but whichever kind of alcohol you're not supposed to drink. The starter has a smell reminiscent of wallpaper paste, though much more mild. I find myself obsessively checking the temperature in our apartment (the radiators came on), trying to keep the starter in an area that's in the 70-75 degree range as instructed. 2 days old and I'm already a slave to it...

- It’s Alive?
I do believe that's a bubble! (dark spot on the edge) I started a starter – or I’m hoping I have. Today is Day 4, which is a make or break day for the starter. I’ve been following the directions given in Nick Malgieri’s book, “How to...

- Nancy Silverton Speaks
Those who have been following my starter saga will know that I was using Nancy Silverton's Breads from the La Brea Bakery as my guide. While shopping one day, Melissa noticed that she was going to be speaking at a local bookstore, pushing her new...

- Biography Of A Starter (day 7)
Well, some mold turned up in my starter. Nancy Silverton says it's no big deal; scoop it out and feed the starter with flour and water to strengthen the yeast. I'm getting surprisingly good at getting my tap water to 78 without a thermometer....

- Biography Of A Starter (day 4)
I replenished my starter on Day 4, as per Nancy Silverton's instructions. Basically I just added some more flour and water, and stirred it all in. My starter has a definite aroma, one that smells a little funky. But Silverton implies that this is...

- Biography Of A Starter (day 1)
For the first time, I'm making a sourdough starter. I had one from a breadbaking class I took (handed down by our instructor), but I think I killed it. So I'm trying again, figuring that if I make one on my own, I'll be more inclined to...

