Bi Bim Bap A Whomp Bam Boom

Bi Bim Bap A Whomp Bam Boom

I've only had Korean food once before, and I have Sarah to thank for that, via the dormant Dine & Dish. I ordered the Bi Bim Bap, and while at first skeptical really enjoyed it.

I thought it a good dish to recreate, which is hilarious when you realize exactly how many mini recipes are required, but what the heck; did it anyway.

I used this recipe; skipping the spinach, and opting to not saute the carrots & cucumbers. Also, oddly no point does the recipe tell you to actually cook the marinated chicken. Um...yeah. Went ahead & did that, anyway.

And yes, it was good. But the reason I wanted to make this, really? So I could make the gamja jorim, a sweet & spicy braised potato dish, for which Ellie had given me a recipe.

When first served this, among many other 'sides', I didn't know what they were & was pretty sure I didn't want to. Then Matt tried them, said 'potato', and suddenly I looked down & all my taters were gone! So good.

So when I asked for help, Ellie stepped in & made the dish her grandmother had taught her mother and her mother had taught her, and graciously shared it with me.

LOVED it. Great texture, and yes, sweet & spicy. Served them right in the bowl, to be mixed with other toppings.

So thanks to both Sarah & Ellie for this one!

This month, we're sleeping in a little late, but the party won't suffer...we're having Brunch!

RSVP by Friday, 20 March

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