Belgian-Style Beers In America

Belgian-Style Beers In America

Remember my not-very-subtle comment about a recent tasting of Russian River Brewing’s beers? Read all about them in this week’s Chronicle, where I write about American brewers who are pursuing complex Belgian-style beers.

- Recent Drinks Of Note
Based on feedback from my survey — I will write about that soon — I’ve decided to change my “Weekly Wine Wrap-up” into a more irregular “Recent Drinks Of Note” with fewer items. The items left won’t all...

- Mark Morford On The Baconator Ads
In Mark Morford’s latest opinion column for the San Francisco Chronicle, he rants about the new Wendy’s ads — and our culture of gluttony — in his typical stream-of-consciousness style. I guess everyone’s writing about food...

- Cantillon, C'est Bon!
I first learned of Cantillon beer, the most traditional lambic beer in Belgium, through The Art of Eating. Four and a half years ago, I posted about a visit to the Brussels brewery—though I warn you that I squirm and wince when I read my earlier...

- North Coast Brewing Company
Melissa and I visited Fort Bragg this weekend because I was covering Winesong! for The Wine News. We rolled into town late on Friday night, checked into our hotel, picked a restaurant out of the visitors' guide, and drove down the main road in this...

Eating Our Way Through Belgium (part 1) Mussels, frites, and beer. That's what most people think of when they think of Belgian cuisine. Well, at least it's what I thought. But we only managed to have that classic combination once during a two-week...

