Bang for the Buck

Bang for the Buck

(guest photographer Tim Holmes)
I appreciate a time-consuming, labor-intensive dish as much as the next person. Okay, maybe more than the next person, but definitely as much as the person after that. But there's something to be said for a dish that's simple to make and generates a lot of comments from your guests. That's why I made wonton flower cups for a party a month ago. They're simple, can be made ahead, and they look like flowers. They taste fine, though I consider them a backdrop for a delicious filling.

Here's how to make them. You'll need a smalll muffin tin and some extra-virgin olive oil, plus wonton wrappers, which you can buy in most stores. They're usually in the produce section or next to the tofu. I buy the small square ones.

Preheat the oven to 350°. Lightly brush both sides of a wrapper with the oil, and place it in one of the muffin tin's cups. You'll need to pinch the sides in order to get the wrapper on the bottom of the tin, but this is how you create the flower effect. I find that I have to separate them from each other by an empty cup, so you only get six flower cups per muffin tin. Bake until crispy and hard, about 10 minutes. Fill with whatever you like (the filling above is roasted red peppers with carrots and shallots). If you want to make them ahead, keep them in an airtight container for a day or two.

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