Another Bang for the Buck Appetizer

Another Bang for the Buck Appetizer

(guest photographer Tim Holmes)
Another simple but very popular appetizer from our party a month back, which not coincidentally affords another chance to post one of Tim's pictures.

For the filling: sauté some diced fennel and onions. Add in some chopped up Italian sausage. Cook thoroughly and let cool.

Roll out some puff pastry fairly thin. If you're not making your own (I didn't for this), buy Dufour Puff Pastry, which is made with real butter. Cut the puff pastry into squares, and put a bit of the sausage filling into the middle. Brush edges of each square with water. Fold in half along the diagonal to make a triangle, and seal the edges. At this point, you can freeze them (and should; puff pastry behaves better the colder it is): put them on a plate and freeze until hard, then put them into a freezer-safe bag to keep them separate. To bake, take straight from the freezer and bake at 425° until brown, probably about 15-20 minutes.

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