Author Events

Author Events

It seems like there are lots of great author events happening around town right now. Though I missed Thomas Keller speaking about his new bistro cookbook, Bouchon; last week I did see Anthony Bourdain speaking about his new book, based on the recipes at Les Halles. This week I highly recommend checking out the Laura Schenone lecture at the San Francisco Public library. Laura Schenone will be here to discuss whether or not it is true that a woman invented Thanksgiving, among other things.

Laura Schenone won the 2004 James Beard award for her book A Thousand Years Over a Hot Stove A History of American Women Told Through Food, Recipes, and Remembrances

Laura's book is a combination of stories, recipes and photos that celebrate the power of food throughout American history and in women's lives. You will find native women who pried nourishment from the wilderness, African American mothers who sold biscuits to buy their children's freedom, and immigrant wives who transported recipes across the globe. The journey continues to the present with a compelling voice and captivating visual beauty revealing culinary creativity that connects us all.

San Francisco Public Library
November 18
6:30-7:30 pm
Latino Community Room
100 Larkin Street

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- Meet Tony Bourdain
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- Jeremiah Tower Reminder
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- Sneak Peek At Local Book Events
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