Another Meatless Meal

Another Meatless Meal

I am definitely renewing my subscription to Vegetarian Times...the last three issues, I've made at least ten recipes. The latest issue? Four over the last few days.

The most recent was Corn Crepes, with Refried Beans and Red & Yellow Tomato Salsa.

When we were still living in Oakland, we'd occasionally visit a place near our home called Crepevine. Nice place, with two stories (they needed it; the restaurant was usually crammed full of people), and outdoor seating. This being California, you could sit outside most of the year.

They sold pastries, made juices to die for (right in front of you), and crepes both sweet and savory. Fabulous place.

So when I saw this batch of recipes, I brought back some memories...good ones.

The crepes took some work, and some ingredients we didn't have on hand: soymilk and arrowroot. But, I used skim milk, and cornstarch, and it worked out fine. Oh, yeah...there's chili powder in there; amazing flavor.

The salsa was so bright, and colorful!

The beans were good...I've been living off the left-overs the past few days.

The recipe also called for a guacamole, but our avocados weren't ripe. Fortunately, we had a half of one in the refrigerator, and cut it up before adding to the crepes.

I personally had trouble getting the crepes to work (my first two were wads of batter), so I turned the crepe-making over to Matt. They ended up a little over-done, but they were still pretty good.

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