Beautiful friend, this is the end

Beautiful friend, this is the end

Of our Mexican-themed dishes (for a while, anyway).

Happy (belated) Cinco de Mayo!

For dinner, we had Chicken Chilaquiles and a Cheese Fritatta with Pico de Gallo, followed by Dulce de Leche Crepe Torte for dessert.

The chilaquiles: shredded chicken (and Veat), tossed with a sauce of tomatillas and jalapenos, Montery Jack and queso fresco.
Toss tortilla chips in the tomatilla sauce, as well.

In a baking dish, layer chips, then chicken mixture, followed by more chips. Top with more Jack cheese. Bake about fifteen minutes, or until cheese melts.

Mmm...good stuff. I was worried (as always) the sauce would be too hot, but I thought it was almost sweet. Really nice.

The fritatta: eggs and milk, cooked in a really hot skillet, until not quite set. Topped with pico de gallo, Fontina cheese and scallions, and broiled until set and (cheese) melted. Serve with additional pico de gallo.

For me, the sauce was a bit too spicy. And I like my eggs 'well done'...the fritatta was too...soft.

I loved the chilaquiles, and could eat the fritatta if it were a bit more cooked...with less sauce! All in all, nice meal.

And for dessert: the torte!

This was my very first time making crepes, and I was justifiably nervous. The process, however, went remarkably well. After the first crepe (which went to the pups), I churned out one perfect-looking crepe after another. And since the recipe makes quite a few, and only six or so are needed for the torte...we have crepes in the freezer, ready to pull out when a craving hits.

Ok, butter a cake pan. Add a parchment round, butter it. Place a crepe on the round. Cut two crepes in half, and use to build up the sides, overlapping bottom crepe. Onto this, spread a chocolate mixture (we used half Mexican chocolate, half Ghiradelli)...cream, cinnamon, and egg yolks. Top with crepe. Spread a dulce de leche (home made, of course) mix...caramel, cream and egg yolks. Top with crepe, repeat a few more times, ending with a crepe. Pull overlapping crepes over the top, cover with a parchment round, top with foil, and bake in a 350 degree oven for about an hour, or until 'puffed'.

Oy. That's some sweet stuff there!

Too sweet for me, but it sure was good.

All in all, I'd grade this meal a solid A.

Now that we're done with the spicy peppers for the time being, I think I'll go back to pastas and other 'plain' dishes for a while. At least until I'm caught up on dishes!

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