A Year of Brownies

A Year of Brownies

I miss it here. And you know? There's only one way of changing that. Getting back to it. This morning, while putting together a brownie for coffee guests coming over later, it hit me: I need a project. No better time for starting one than when the year has just turned.

I think I have a pretty good recipe for brownies. At least I have one I always make -  I've made others, but have somehow always returned to this one. But is it really the best? I like squidgy and gooey more than cakey brownies. I like plain, unadorned brownies - no nuts, berries, add-ons - just chocolate, please. But perhaps I'm in the wrong? Thing is, I don't know. I need to find out.

So prepare for a 2016 with a Baker's Dozen of Brownies - one for each month. My list is as follows:

January: My go-to - Little Red Barn Baking Book's Brownies
February: Claus Meyer's Brownies (from Meyers Bageri)
March: Nigella Lawson's Birthday Brownies (from How to be a Domestic Goddess)
April: Smitten Kitchen's Favorite Brownies
May: Jim Dodge's Cakey Brownies (from The Essence of Chocolate)
June: Foodbeam's Brownie-like Cookies and ice cream sandwiches
July: David Lebovitz's Helene's Brownies
August: Lisa Yockelson's Chocolate, pure and straight, Brownies (from Chocolate, Chocolate)
September: Anne au Chocolat's Brownies with white chocolate chips
October: Thomas Keller's Brownies (via Pretty. Simple. Sweet.)
November: Markus Grigo's Brownies (from Grigos Hjemmebag)
December: Orangette's Brownies
The 13.th: a surprise, to be found while the experiment is going on ;)

Mikkel Friis-Holm's Brownies
Blondies from Deb
Brownies with frosting!
Skillet Brownies from Martha Stewart
Browniest Cookies - also from Deb (I could have done 12 brownie recipesfrom her site alone, I think! ;))
Brownies with cookiedough
Brownies with four chocolates

Research (may be extended)
Bon Appetit on Brownies

- Perfect Brownies Recipe
Everyone likes their brownies just so, and so it comes as no surprise that there are untold thousands of brownie recipes. How do I know this? The web site Recipe Source has 569 recipes alone for brownies. The recipes on that site include such varied...

- Mondays With Maida - Cream-cheese Brownies
Page 76 in the old book / page 124 in the new book I've never been fond of cheesecake, so I approached these brownies with some suspicion. I know I should give cheesecake another chance, and indeed the cream cheese mixture in these brownies was quite...

- Mondays With Maida - Greenwich Village Brownies
Page 75 in the old book / page 123 in the new book The brownies this week are truly over the top - 6 ounces of chocolate, 8 ounces of butter, 6 eggs, 3 cups of sugar plus some corn syrup for good measure, and 3 cups of pecans! Care to hazard a guess...

- Mondays With Maida - Petites Trianons
Page 73 in the old book / page 119 in the new book Petites Trianons fall somewhere between brownies and cake. The batch I made was cakey and a little drier than I would have liked. I baked them for exactly 28 minutes as prescribed by Maida, but I can't...

- A Year Of Brownies - March
The first month of spring, and time for something new. For me, and The Year of Brownies, that meant really getting out of the comfort zone, in the form of adding something not chocolate to my brownies. Enter the walnut. I've had bad experiences...

