A Tale of Two Jambalayas

A Tale of Two Jambalayas

Every year for Mardi Gras, I make jambalaya. I've made other dishes from time to time, and usually a King Cake, too. But if nothing else, there's jambalaya.

And every year, I make the same recipe. I think I started using it seven or eight years ago. Of course, when I switched to the laptop, my bookmarked recipes were left behind.

As Mardi Gras neared, I searched for the recipe; I thought it was this one, but as I started cooking it just didn't seem right. The basic ingredients were the same, but the method a bit off.

By the time it was finished I was convinced it was all wrong. So naturally, Matt said he preferred it over the usual.

I wanted a real taste show-down, so I finally located my favorite and served it up.

Yeah, he likes the first, I prefer the second. But unless he wants to make it next year? We're sticking with this one.

This month, we're sleeping in a little late, but the party won't suffer...we're having Brunch!

RSVP by Friday, 20 March

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