A Quick One While He's Away...

A Quick One While He's Away...

(bonus points to anyone who gets that reference...)

From the very slim (as in thickness, no indication of the recipe content!) book Brunch, a quick and yummy BLT Tortilla Panini!

I love recipes like this.

Place bacon on a tortilla, top with sliced tomato, Gruyere, and shredded lettuce, then mayonnaise and salt and pepper. Wrap up, then put seam-side down on a grill pan. Cook two minutes, flip, cook another two. Enjoy!

Turns out our tortillas were just a bit small, so I compensated by wrapping with an additional tortilla, and securing with wooden skewers. Seemed to work.

- Salmon Tacos With Mango Corn Salsa
To be honest, I haven't been feeling very inspired in the kitchen lately. I've been busy with lots of things including travel, and when I'm home I've been trying to eat the food in the freezer since it is on the verge of overflowing....

- Lime & Salt Tortilla Chips: Recipe
Corn tortillas come in such huge bags, I don't know how can you possibly use them all. Buying one of those packages, though they are cheap, is a major commitment in my house. It means weeks of enchiladas, tacos, chilaquiles and when I run out of...

- Gorditas
They were good! After a morning of making tortilla masa, I spent the evening making gorditas. The recipe was from Diana Kennedy’s From My Mexican Kitchen: Techniques and Ingredients. The salsa verde was very easy. It is made with tomatillas,...

- Chili Steak Wraps
We're hitting one of my newer culinary heroes, Donna Hay, pretty hard this week. Saturday night, it was this easy & spicy wrap. Honestly, it took as much time to chop ingredients and assemble as cook the beef. That easy. Tortilla (we had some super-sized,...

- Pretty Nice For A Jerk
Oh, I know. It's been ages. But I've been positively exhausted, and actively avoiding anything cooking-related. But, new week, time to get back to normal. Matt's always liked jerk seasoning. I've never tasted it. I found a recipe...

