A Jiggle without the Hooves

A Jiggle without the Hooves

In the box of goodies sent by Julia were packets of agar-based desserts. We tried out a pack this past weekend...and look at the results!

I've never seen a gel dessert so firm...Matt had fun just tapping on it.

This one's green apple-flavored, and Alex really liked it. Once he figured out how to keep a hold of it, that is!

- On Julia Child's 100 Birthday
Today marks what would have been Julia Child's 100th birthday. She's a bit like America's culinary mother, the woman who encouraged and cajoled us into the kitchen to be become better cooks, with her humor and her can do attitude. I...

- Blog Party#29: Another Bite Of Dessert
Welcome to December! A new month, a new Blog Party theme. More often than not, sequels are a bad idea. They rarely hold up to the original. But this is one instance where a sequel is a good idea. For our twenty-ninth party, we're going back almost...

- My Precious Little...monster
Matt caught this adorable pose...after Alex turned himself green from coloring eggs! Blog Party#9 is this weekend! This month , we're turning our favorite desserts into bite-sized treats! Create sweet appetizers and drinks (non-alcoholic would...

- Taste Test
Matt has been rather eager to try some of the goodies Julia recently sent to us, so Friday night we had the Mee Rebus, pictured above. Big hit. Matt adored it. (Matt says: a bit sweet, distinct taste of peanuts, very much the sort of thing I'd expect...

- Blogging By Mail; Or Goodies Go Global
For Blogging By Mail, hosted by Nic of bakingsheet, I pulled Cheryl of She Bakes and She Cooks. I was very excited to be a part of this (I love getting, and sending, stuff in the mail!), but I bit worried, as well. Cheryl lives in Singapore...what on...

