A chocolate a day...

A chocolate a day...

Do you know what this is? Pretty obvious right. Bars of chocolate. But that's not all, it's also Lee's latest prescription. Lee's doctor told him to eat one square of a dark, bittersweet over 70% chocolate bar every day. This is the tastiest medicine, and the only downside is that there is no way our insurance is ever going to pay for it.

There have been several studies linking chocolate with health benefits. Darker chocolate is the most beneficial. Studies show that phytochemicals called flavonoids in chocolate block arterial damage caused by free radicals and inhibit platelet aggregation which can lead to heart attack or stroke. The antioxidants also relax the blood vessels and inhibit an enzyme that causes inflammation. While high in fat, chocolate is cholesterol free and very high in magnesium which is considered good for both the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure.

There are tons of articles on the internet about the healthful properties of chocolate. You can check out a very recent one here. If you're still not convinced, you can make an appointment with Dr. Aron, or you can just visit his web site.

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