12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies: Chocolate-Almond Biscotti

12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies: Chocolate-Almond Biscotti

When I saw April announce the return of this event, I decided this was the perfect way for me to avoid a week of marathon baking, stress & sleepless nights.

Because every year, I plan to start baking my cookies a couple of weeks early. Then, one of us gets sick or we're all worn out from the Two Days After Thanksgiving Dinner...& so it goes. Five days before Christmas, I'm up to my collarbone in flour, chopped walnuts & chocolate.

But if I've committed myself to something like this, well, those cookies might actually get made in advance.

Week 1: Chocolate Almond Biscotti. A recipe I found in college, on the pages of a 1967 Ladies Home Journal magazine. (no, I'm not that old; I'd been thrift store shopping!)

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