
I'm always eager for new snacks and breakfast ideas, and the Cucumber Pancakes at One Hot Stove look scrumptious.

Continuing the Indian theme, the past week marked the conclusion to the Hindu holiday Navrati commemorating the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasur. While some people fast, others enjoy special foods like the creamy Almond Kheer at The Green Jackfruit.

I had just received Julie and Julia : 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen by the ever controversial Julie Powell when I came upon the latest Julie bashing post over at Too Many Chefs. I believe this qualifies as stirring the pot...!

- Amy Sherman? Who's She?
Photo credit:Julie Michelle I recently had the chance to participate in a cool photography/portraiture project called I live here SF. As part of the project, I got to tell my "San Francisco story" which is pretty food-focused as you might imagine. I...

- Interview With Nora Ephron
Have you gone to see Julie & Julia yet? I saw it in a preview screening, but I'm eager to see it again, especially for all the Julia Child scenes and all the food. While I missed out on an exclusive interview opportunity with the stars of the...

- Julie & Julia:the Movie
Last week, thanks to Sony Pictures, I saw a special preview screening of Julie & Julia. The screenplay for the film was adapted from two books: My Life in France, Julia Child's autobiography, co-written with her grand-nephew Alex Prud'homme,...

- Organic Trend Or Fad?
You probably already know Atkins Nutritionals Inc. maker of products for low-carb diets, has filed for bankruptcy. We all saw this coming, right? It was a fad, not a trend. But how about eating organic? Think it's a fad too? Think again. Research...

- Dining With The Bloggers - October 19th
Somehow in making the switch from haphazard, checking-when-I-think-of-it blog reading to using Bloglines, Julie's A Finger in Every Pie escaped my notice for a while. But no more, it is on my short list of blogs to check everyday. This is a blog...

