Talking Tryptophan

Talking Tryptophan

A mini-rant from my inner culinary curmudgeon. Think you felt drowsy yesterday because of all the tryptophan in your turkey? Well, you're wrong. Tryptophan only causes heavy eyelids when you eat a huge amount on an empty stomach.

- Leftover Turkey
Here is a favorite post from a couple of years ago--what to do with all that leftover turkey... Leftover turkey, even dry, overcooked turkey, is good in soups, salads, sandwiches, stews, smothered in sauce or topped with a poached or fried egg. Here...

- Turkey Leftovers Recipes
If you ask me, the second best thing about Thanksgiving is not the dinner itself, but the leftovers. I like turkey a lot, especially its amazing versatility. Leftover turkey, even dry, overcooked turkey, is good in soups, salads, sandwiches, stews, smothered...

- Mangos, Mangos, Mangos!
Imagine a parade of brightly colored fruity concotions--drinks, puddings and the like in vibrant green, orange, red and yellow. Welcome to the world of healthy desserts. Welcome to the Hong Kong based Creations Dessert House. This chain of shops has...

- Meet Darius Somary
Meet up-and-coming chef Darius Somary. Darius was a successful market researcher for over ten years before leaving the corporate world and going back to school, graduating from Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Program at the California Culinary Academy....

- Because, Life.
My Dad used to boil me eggs. Back when I was little, and I was with him on the weekends, we'd usually have soft boiled eggs in the morning. Two per person. I'd rush to eat my first one before him, so that I could turn it upside down and pretend...

