SHF:ISTBE # 1: White Chocolate
A whatta?! You might say - but hey, it's just short for the newest IMBB?-spin-off - Sugar High Fridays: the International Sweet Tooth Blogging Extravaganza! as proposed by our very own Domestic Goddess, Jennifer. As the inventor of this very short-named event, and host this time at least, Jennifer decided our first endeavour should be in: white chocolate - that chocolate that's not really chocolate, yet at least as addictive as the dark kind! Personally, I can't wait! So come on and join the fun! Anyone and everyone is welcome!
for further info, go to Jennifer's page...
Sugar High Fridays: Black And Sticky
Here's some food blogosphere trivia for y'all. Name the first blogger to host three of the many events in the food-blogging community. It's not me, but as of today I am the first person to host Is My Blog Burning?, Wine Blogging Wednesday,...
Chocolate Dinner, Part 2?
Melissa laughed as she told me one of the topics in issue 74 of Art Culinaire: savory chocolate dishes. If only it had come a few weeks back. Some ideas include "Wild Striped Bass Tartare with White Chocolate and Yuzu Gelée" (something for those...
Shf: Istbe # 2: Apples!
Mmmm, yummy, it's here again - Sugar High Fridays, the International Sweet Tooth Extravaganza! Hosted - again (Oh we're a bad bunch, not taking any of the summing-up responsibility - I will do soon, I promise!) - by it's inventor/spin...
Imbb? # 10: Cookie Swap
Scheduled for the 21st. of November, and I'm totally into this months edition of IMBB? - a cookie swap! YAY! Hosted by the sweetest of the sweet tooths among us, Jennifer of The Domestic Goddess - everything you'll need to know about this round...
Shf:istbe # 1: White Chocolate - White Chocolate Soufflées
The natural progression of the IMBB?-events for those among us with a sweet tooth had to come - Sugar High Fridays! I mean, how could we not? Cleverly thought by Jennifer, who also judged that white chocolate had to be our starting off point.