IMBB? # 9: Layers and layers!

IMBB? # 9: Layers and layers!

The word is out - the next IMBB?-event, this time hosted by Derrick at An Obsession with Food will have Layers and layers - or just plain terrine - as the theme, and will be held on October 24th. Come join the fun!

If you're stuck for ideas, Derrick posted a small teaser - I'm thinking: Sweet? Savoury? Sweet?... -Ooh the possibilities! No matter what, I'm definetly there!

- Is My Blog Burning?
Tomorrow is the seemingly monthly event, Is My Blog Burning? This time hosted by Derrick of the aptly named, Obsession with Food blog. You still have some time to whip up a terrine if you'd like to participate. This time around there is a new...

- State By State - Maryland: Smith Island Cake
I'm afraid you might begin to think I should have called this series State by State Sweets, but let me regale you with one more sweetie from Maryland - the Smith Island Cake. On Smith Island, these cakes are simply called layer cakes. They can come...

- Imbb 9 - Terrine For One
Today is the 9th edition of Is My Blog Burning. This time the host, Derrick of An Obsession with Food, has challenged us to create a terrine for the occasion. I decided early on that didn’t want to make a meat terrine or one with aspic, but I agonized...

- Imbb 9: Make That 35 Participants
As I mentioned, there are a couple of late participants. I had to laugh as I started to write them up: Ginger and Elise were reading each other's minds. Also, LoveSicily's terrine now has pictures. Simply Recipes' Eggplant and Red Pepper...

- Imbb? #9: Layers And Layers! Foie Gras Terrine Burger
Time is a no-go area for me at the moment. It's just not available somehow. Don't know why, but it's a fact. Still, I can't bear the idea of not being in on this IMBB?, as already mentioned, hosted by Derrick of An Obsession with Food....

