70 Centiliter Wonder of Vanilla
You can't buy vanilla extract in Denmark. Well, you can, but it is HILARIOUSLY expensive. Not just expensive, but tummy-turning, pocket-wrenching expensive. Browsing through Santos' archives (I've got some catching up to do, with blogs being off-limit for the most of December and January - exam, remember?) I found this - and thought it would be appropriate to share with all of you sad souls out there, that, like me, can't lay your hands on anything like those gigantic, everlasting bottles, SIGH! - how EASY, BREEZY it is to do your own extract. I got the - well, it's not exactly a recipe, more like a guideline - from the lovely chicks at Nigella's Kitchen.
Take 5-6 vanilla pods and a bottle of good-quality vodka, rum or cognac. Slit the pods open, and place in the bottle of alcohol. Shake. Leave for a couple of weeks, somewhere dark, shaking every time you remember it's there. Then - use at you would your ordinary extract. You can refill the bottle when you think it's running a little low, and add extra pods everytime you have one at hand, like after making ice cream and other vanilla-seed containing delicacies. Is that easy or what?
And knowing you have as much heady-scented vanilla extract around as you could possibly want is just - bliss! Not having to count every drop and wonder when the next time will be you go abroad so yo can stock up is no longer an issue - it's just there, and in copious amounts too. What, you're still there? Go make your vanilla extract! Enjoy!
Orange Mango Smoothie:recipe
Have you ever had an Orange Julius? I seem to recall it being pretty popular in the 70's. Founded in Los Angeles, the juice bar chain (now part of Dairy Queen) makes a frothy kind of orange blender drink that is very refreshing, especially if you...
Whole Wheat Vanilla Pancakes: Recipe
Want to know the most scrumptious thing you can make for breakfast this weekend? It's these pancakes. Seriously, they are so good I made them twice this week. I've been slowly but surely testing out more and more recipes from whole grain cookbooks,...
Tangerine Vanilla Seafood Sauce Recipe
Have you noticed a lot of bath products sound like food? Flavors like vanilla, cucumber, orange and almond are all making it into personal care products. I have some tangerines that I was trying to figure out what I should do with and it occurred to...
Comfort Me With Cake
'Dear Diary, Yes, I'm here again. I know, I know - it's an unworthy job, being a diary. You almost only ever hear from me when I'm blue. Or stressed. Or thinking too much about something. You thought something was different this time?...
Imbb#13: My Little Cupcake!
You're probably not going to believe this, but I've never had a real cupcake. Not one that I knew was a cupcake, anyways. I've had plenty of muffins, ranging from the saw-dusty store-bought type, to the beautifully, light-crumbed, stuffed...