You Know It's Summer When...

You Know It's Summer When...

You oven-roast this many tomatoes, just because.


Blog Party #12 has been announced, and we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. For July, we're traveling to our favorite places by way of the kitchen, with bites and drinks from our favorite countries. Entries are due Thursday, 20 July--early is always good--and I'll post the round-up 22 July. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Tomatoes

- Just A Reminder...
Blog Party #12 is THIS Saturday!!! There are still a few more days to get those entries in, and don't forget: we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. This month, we're traveling to our favorite places...

- Return To Sender
(for you, Sarah) The Birthday Cake that Wasn't...ah well, the best laid plans, and all that. Blog Party #12 has been announced, and we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. For July, we're traveling...

- Purple Pumpkin Seed Eater
Lavender pumpkin seeds. How 'bout that. Slightly sweet, yet salty...and rather addictive. Fun, and colorful, snack. Blog Party #12 has been announced, and we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. For...

- One-off Meme: Flowers
Ramya of Culinary Gems, has asked for pictures of flowers...flowering plants, blossoming vegetables, arrangements, anything...for a one-time meme. I wasn't sure what to post...until Ramya mentioned I could submit an old photo, as well. I finally settled...

- First Contact
Wow...our very first tomatoes! Three of the five... And our very first cucumber!! The basil's getting big, too... Blog Party #12 has been announced, and we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. For...

