Why Dinner Was Like Lindsay Lohan

Why Dinner Was Like Lindsay Lohan

Perhaps you've noticed the trend.

Young starlets, with perfectly decent bodies...albeit a touch on the flat side...suddenly gain popularity after certain body parts appear much more...round and inflated.

I won't get into the bobble-head doll actress trend (often with a side of implants); that's another story for another blog.

Double-Baked Three-Cheese Souffles

I'm not afraid of souffles. I just don't think they're all that and a bag of chips.

You know, lots of work, a bit of stress ("don't move! the souffle's baking!"), and then...eh. No big.

So I haven't exactly added a lot of souffle recipes to my repertoire.

But I saw this recipe for a Double-Baked souffle, and learned that this souffle is supposed to fall!

It falls, then puffs up again on the second bake.

I mean, the pressure was off. Work was still involved, but I'd already knocked one 'con' off the list.

Goat cheese, Gruyere, and (my substitution) Gorgonzola dolce. Cream. Eggs. You know...the usual.

Really quite simple to make, and you really do let the souffles fall. I was going to take a picture of them after the first bake, but I didn't get the camera there fast enough. Just a few minutes later, this is what I found.

But, a little cream and even more grated Gruyere, this was my reward!

It was...good. Somewhere between the re-make of The Parent Trap, and Mean Girls.

But with all that inflating and deflating, and whipping and waiting...Linday...er, cheese souffle, I'm just not that into you.

Blog Party#10 has been announced, and this month we're having a Garden Party! Cute little sandwiches, and that perfect cup of tea...won't you join us? Entries are due 18 May...can't wait to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Souffles + Cheese + Lindsay Lohan + Recipes + Dinner

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