What's Red, White and Blueberry?

What's Red, White and Blueberry?

It really hadn't dawned on me to participate in yet another online event this month...but Lee asked me if I had any dessert planned and I didn't. A quick mental check of the refrigerator yielded yogurt, blueberries and strawberries. I considered adding brown sugar and then skipped it. The only sugar in the dessert is naturally occurring in the fruit itself which means it's perfect for Sugar High Low Friday.

By the way, speaking of perfect, I strongly recommend getting parfait glasses if you don't already have them. Mine are plastic and virtually indestructible. Ok, so I broke one, but the rest are holding strong. Use them for ice cream, yogurt, granola, fruit, and you have a fancy looking dessert that is as simple as can be.

SHF # 15 + Low Sugar

- Perfect Rhubarb Compote Recipe
There are rhubarb haters and rhubarb lovers. I'm a lover! I love the color of rhubarb and the gorgeous pink syrup you get when you cook it. Rhubarb, which we consider a fruit is actually a vegetable. It's high in vitamin C, potassium,...

- Brown Cow Cream On Top Greek Yogurt Review & Giveaway
When is yogurt more than just a culinary staple used in cooking and with cereal and in smoothies? When it's Brown Cow's new Cream on Top Greek yogurt. Brown Cow has been my husband's favorite brand for a long time. It's the cream on top...

- Blueberry Muffins:recipe
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- All About Blueberries
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- Imbb 16 - Blueberry Meringues
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