What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?

Originally uploaded by melissa nicole.
A recent dinner for the two of us: fried chicken, corn on the cob, and a bottle of sparkling wine on ice. There's nothing I can say about this picture that would add to it, so I'm just posting it for your enjoyment.

- Fried Chicken, Part 2
When I posted Melissa's picture of a recent dinner, I found myself at a loss for words. Each attempt to write a post seemed like a windy treatise that dimmed the bright eloquence of the image. This, beamed the photo, is all that needs to be said. You...

- A Very Special Episode Of Sfist In The Kitchen
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. Melissa and I decided to get a taste of the Bon Appetit life by shopping with our friend Meriko and then retiring to her lovely home for brunch featuring our market haul. Something a little different for my...

- Corn On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. I was rather fond of this plating for the corn soup I made last night, though I was tempted to use Photoshop to fix some of its flaws. As you probably guessed from the title, corn is the theme for my latest...

- Bitter Melon - About Which, More On Tuesday
Fried bitter melon Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. I promised a deeper exploration of bitter melon this Tuesday, and as many of you probably guessed, that's because it's the subject of my latest SFist post....

- Zucchini On Sfist
Roasted figs Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. Why is there a picture of speck-wrapped figs in my latest, zucchini-focused SFist post? Blame summer's bounty, I suppose, but click the link to see for yourself. Click it! Click it now!If you...

