The Embryonic Journey Continues...

The Embryonic Journey Continues...

I actually made this 11 March; I've been saving it till the end of the month...but I simply can't wait.

Almost immediately following the last EoMEoTE, I started thinking "what can I do next"?
It's so addictive

And here's what I came up with:

Fried Egg, Prosciutto and Smoked Mozzarella Pannini

Bread of your choice (I used rosemary ciabatta rolls)
Prosciutto (and Morningstar Farms veggie bacon, for me)
Smoked Mozzarella
Fresh Basil Leaves
Sun-dried Tomatoes, re-hydrated in hot water for a few minutes
Olive Oil

Cut mozzarella into slices. Split rolls in half, lengthwise. Brush rolls with olive oil.
Fry eggs, flipping so yolk sets. (We used a rectangular tamago pan, to fit the rolls, but feel free to use your everyday frying pans.) Allow eggs to cool slightly.
Place prosciutto on bottom half of roll. Next, top with fried eggs.

Add mozzarella slices, on top of eggs. Top with fresh basil leaves and sun dried tomatoes.

Replace top of roll.

Brush heated grill pan or pannini maker with butter or olive oil. Place sandwich on pan, medium heat, under heavy weight until dark golden brown and toasted. Repeat on other side.

Finished product

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