Tag! I'm It

Tag! I'm It

Carolyn at 18thC Cuisine tagged me (among others) to participate in a diversion that's percolating throughout the food blogosphere. I don't know if it technically qualifies as a meme, though that's how we've been describing it. It seems like more of a chain letter with neither the attendant blessings nor any curses. But, whatever. I decided to play along since it is a good idea; you all get to know a little bit more about this mysterious Derrick person. And everyone likes music, right?

Well, yes and no. I do like music, but I'm fairly blasé about it. So some of these questions were tough.

What is the total number of music files on your computer?
641 songs that require 2.78 gigs of hard drive space and would take me 1.9 days to listen to.

What is the last CD you bought?
Hmm. I don't remember. What about an album from the iTunes Music Store? In that case, it would be Euphorica's Dance Abba.

What is the last song you last listened to before reading this message?
Well, I have an "upbeat music" playlist in iTunes that's set to random shuffle. I closed up my laptop, came home, and read Carolyn's message. So I don't remember precisely. I think it was Cyndi Lauper's cover of "On the Sunny Side of the Street".

Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Tom at Butter Pig 'cause he's a good friend and I'm curious to see his answers.
Winnie at Hodge Podge Kitchen - she's jumped into all the other food blog community events; why not this one?
Meriko at Gastronome - because I'm sure she has opinions on the subject

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