Sweetcorn Fritters for the Girls

Sweetcorn Fritters for the Girls

So I think we all know that guy by now - his big, boyish smile, his brightly colored cookbooks. Yes, it's Bill Granger again. I've made these a dozen times, and I've loved them each and every time - and I'm not that big a fan of corn, I might add! I like fresh corn, maybe a grilled corn on the cob - but please, spare me of the frozen/canned variety. Do not like. Sorry!

Last Sunday, I had two of my girlfriends coming for brunch, and I whipped a batch up - there was a couple left, so I thought I had plenty of photographing opportunities. Then Martin came home and swish-swish - all I managed to save was what you see in the picture!

Sweetcorn Fritters - from Sydney Food by Bill Granger, p. 29
The veggies
2 cups fresh corn kernels, cut from the cob (the equivalent of 2 cobs in my world)
½ cup diced red pepper
½ cup sliced spring onions
1/4 cup mix of parsley and basil, both chopped

Mix it all up! When you're ready, make up the batter (you could actually make the batter up to three days in advance, but you don't want to mix the veggies and batter until just before you cook the fritters)

The batter
1 cup plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs
½ cup milk

Sift all the dry ingredients into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre, into which you add the milk and the eggs (cracked, of course, don't be silly!) Carefully whisk the flour into the milk and eggs, making a smooth, lump-free batter. It will be quite stiff.

Pour about two thirds of the batter over the vegetables and give it a good stir. If you think it needs a little more binding material, add more batter - I usually end up using all of it, partly because I hate throwing the leftovers out, and partly because - well, there's nothing wrong with pancakes, is there??

Heat a couple of spoonfuls of vegetable oil in a pan, and cook the fritters, 4 at the time (or more or less, depending on the size you want) I've made them really small and served them at a brunch buffet at my Stepmoms 40th. birthday, topped with avocado, bacon an rocket. Mmmmmm. If you make a 3-4 inch/12 cm large ones, you'll get about 10.

To serve
How about... homemade guacamole - Crispy bacon - cheddar cheese - spinach - homemade semidried tomatoes - rocket - ketchup - be my guest. Or just eat as is!

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