Still hungry?

Still hungry?

Over at SF Station is my review of Quince restaurant.


- Hungry Monkey: Book Review
Hungry Monkey is the funniest book I've read all year. It might seem odd that I would even bother reading a book about "a food-loving father's quest to raise an adventurous eater" since I don't have kids myself. I only review things here...

- Farina: Restaurant Review
My review of a relatively new Italian restaurant in the Mission district, called Farina is up over at SF Station. Aside from a few rough spots, I liked the place and will go again. I had a good meal of mostly Ligurian style focaccia and pastas with...

- Still Hungry?
Over at SF Station is my review of the Cafe Majestic. It's a bit pricey but an elegant spot to go for intimate celebrations. FOOD©2016 Cooking with Amy. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without...

- Plumpjack Cafe Closed
Remember how I told you I had a fantastic meal recently at PlumpJack Cafe? Truly, this was one of my most memorable meals of 2006. Well, my review of it is up on SF Station. I can't wait to go back and hope you will get a chance to enjoy eating there...

- Sweet And Sour Fish (like You've Never Seen Before)
READ MORE Over at SF Station is my review of Jai Yun a most remarkable Shanghainese restaurant where this dish was served (the date should be June 2 not May 1) FOOD + RESTAURANTS+ SAN FRANCISCO©2016 Cooking with Amy. All rights reserved. This material...

